May Event Favorites!


Crossroads Staff
You have them, we all want them. Appease the plot team, feed them your moments.

And don't forget to share the fun! After you add your favorites, share the page on FB to ensure we can all enjoy them! :)

A few of mine:
- Remembering in the path fight that I had my crossbow and could be more effective than just blocking and have plants and bears laugh at the 3's they were getting poked at with. And don't forget friends, you can shoot your assassinates and terminates, too! Sure was handy with all of the engulf plants stomping around.

- Aisling and Roman getting to just be a couple after years of tiptoeing and be themselves with so many simple, human conversations. We really just want to live in a tiny, little house and farm all day long. You know, in the human way.

- All of the RP after Roman got Ulak Kashaaned. So many serious and deep conversations about emotions and choices.

Awkward family mod time. Next time's gonna be interesting...

The imagery of the lights representing the elders and the description of what we all witnessed. Nice job on all NPC/plot folks, that was some solid game time.

Asking around for booze and then moving on to asking for harder things because it wasn't enough. Telling people how great it was that one time that we fought that monster that attacked with Euphoria.

Friday nights start to the season. The weather was crappy and we didn't try to tough it out. We hung out and RPd. It was so chill and there were deep conversations going on all over. I think it really helped set the immersion for the rest of the weekend.

Getting engulfed
Roman running the plant through
Phedre grabbing the sword from him and taking off before he could cut Aisling out
Panic, grabs spear, cuts
Carrying Aisling back to people looking for a life spell and he gets entangled and is bleeding out while Aisling's hanging from his hand.
All the while, we have lichen clinging to us as it tries to get to other people.

There's more, but for now, that's what's coming to mind. Can't wait to see everyone again next time!
Tempesta lost "her home" and her elders all in one moment. Saying goodbye and giving the elders gifts to remember her by.
Tempesta got a new home.
The NPCs amazed me. They always do, but this event was awesome.
New players!
watching how quickly we all were willing to give our lives to trade places with the dryad elders. There were only two dryads there but everyone came together and gave of themselves to make the thing happen.
The conflict when Tempesta was faced with killing other dryads and animals.
Spaceship talk
Roman "Goober"
Learning level 5 celestial magic
Fighting spracta on the mod path, getting my boffer stuck in a thorn bush and it wouldn't let it go
The nice cool weather
The Panthergast salesman - Tempesta really wanted to kill him.
Collected electricity oozes for Francis Teawaddle.
So much fun. Can't wait for June.
Everything Salty Dog. Sideways arriving in a party dress for Jacob's visit. Getting good information and then going to a tea party. Sneaky sneak.

Roman explained Ulak Kashaan to Nerium in a new way.

Making a Trimoran friend, when that country is horrifying for a Sylvan.

We kicked in the door in Teshvar and it's the best. Oof, Blood Slave feelings.

The whole thing of sending away First Forest and the representation of protecting spirits was very cool. There are some serious feelings about being down to work with Anaxion's reptilon because he was a Waste Walker.

Teawaddle would like the electric oozes to live in her garden and that was delightful.

Getting an idea of how resources influence efforts.

Information sharing o'clock.

Thank you NPCs! See you in June. :)