May event moved

We've moved the May event (that was originally on the long weekend) to a week later (June 3). This way we won't conflict with any other east coast chapters.

I hope this won't inconvenience anyone.

As those of you who are my Facebook friends know, I had a computer crash a week or so ago. Needed a new hard drive! Fortunately, I didn't lose any data, but had to reinstall all my software. I can't seem to get my FTP program working in order to update the web page though, so the new schedule won't show up there until I do get it fixed.
It was a matter of scheduling mostly. Since we have our own site, it's easier for us to move events than it is for chapters who have to rent from campsites. It benefits all chapters (and players) to not have the East Coast events conflict, because then there are more events to play.

Of course, on an individual basis, there will always be players who can't make one weekend or another, unfortunately.
Fearless Leader said:
It was a matter of scheduling mostly. Since we have our own site, it's easier for us to move events than it is for chapters who have to rent from campsites. It benefits all chapters (and players) to not have the East Coast events conflict, because then there are more events to play.


This is, IMHO, the spirit of an Alliance. I think it's awesome! : )
