May Event Weather


High: 56
Low: 46
Precip: 20%

High: 53
Low: 45
Precip: 50%

High: 58
Low: 41
Precip: 20%

It appears that any potential precip would start around 10am Sat (the hourly forcast doesn't extend past that time at this point)

Be sure to bring sleeping bags and extra socks as it may be muddy on the site. There are showers on site, so that is always an option as well for all those heavy makeup people :D

We Chicagoans are bringing our proud tradition of rain at every Alliance event to you, Southern Minnesota, so you know what to expect when you travel to Chicago.
At least the late night rain/thunderstorm made for one slick season finale (oct); went perfect with the mod.
Darkcrescent said:
At least the late night rain/thunderstorm made for one slick season finale (oct); went perfect with the mod.
If you though that evil weather scenery was good then, you should have been there when we met the Forsaken of Lightning at the August event: Minimal rain, but more thunder and lightning than I have ever seen in my life (like, collectively. You add up all the lightning I've ever seen, and that still might not equal the amount that night). It was incredible!
High: 56
Low: 46
Precip: 20%

High: 53
Low: 44
Precip: 50%

High: 62
Low: 40
Precip: 20%

Updated Sat Precip = 40% between 12pm-9pm

As an aside, Dave what time are we supposed to be on/off site this weekend?

On site starts at 6, please plan to arrive as early as possible as having a large number of people arrive at 8 pm to 'avoid the logistics wait' causes the wait most try to avoid ^.^

Game off will be at noon with us off site by 2.