May event weekend weather report


Looks like we're in for a good weekend, here's the weekend weather report!
Friday: Windy, partly cloudy, high of 68 and low of 44. 10% chance of precipitation.
Saturday: Mostly Cloudy, high of 74 and low of 49. 10% chance of precipitation.
Sunday: Partly Cloudy, high of 70 and low of 50. 20% chance of precipitation.

It's supposed to rain thru Thursday, so remember extra socks!
Here's the updated weather report for the weekend broken down into day and night chunks.

Tonight: Mainly clear skies. Low 44F. Slightly breezy. 10% Chance of precipitation.
Tomorrow Day: Sunshine and some clouds. High near 75F. Slightly breezy. 10% Chance of precipitation.
Tomorrow Night: Mainly cloudy. Low 51F. Slightly breezy. 10% Chance of precipitation.
Sunday: Few showers. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 50s. 30% Chance of precipitation.

Lunar Report: We are one day after a new moon, with a moonset of 9:51 pm. It will be DARK, so if you need to get around unlit areas at night (in and out of game) remember to bring a light!