May is fast approaching


Sayidd y Sayidda,

As the title says, May is fast approaching. There have been many on these boards who have offered to meet with me and talk about local happenings. I would love to talk with anyone about many things. Please seek me out at the May Market Day.

For others who are looking to hire the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company, please remember we do a myriad of things. Myself and my companion can find solutions to problems, I dabble in connectionism, I am an engineer, and a hunter (I can track). Send me a private message if you would like to know more or ask questions.

I am also interested in how the local government works. I have read a few things (OOG: the players guide), but I would like a more in-depth explanation of Wayside and Fairfax.

Thank you,
Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
Yer a trader? Have you met Cho'ko'nu? He's a trader too, although he's from Gaden and you two might be able to work together. Anyway he often asks me to make stuff to fill in da holes in his supply. Did you want me to make anything for you, a lot of people have said they need stuff but I don't have any actual orders yet. I can make just about anything, although you probably shouldn't order any command gasses, since you probably know Eldandiril or Liddia or Arkemides if you live in Wayside and I'm really not comfortable or any good at hiding what I make for people.

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Sayidd Jehyu,

Alas, my coin pouch strings are rather tight at the moment. However, in the future I will remember your offer. If you would like to work out a deal where I sell your products for you (for a price of course), I would be most happy to do so.

Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
Wild Rose,

How many are there of you in your Trading Company?


Can you make 3 cure light wound potions or Elixirs, 1 poison shield elixir, and 2 antidote, for each of his Company once he informs us of the number. I will pay for this personally.

Thanks in advance.

Squire Foss Siril of Wayside.
Sure! I can do that, as long as he doesn't have more than 6 and 2 thirds of a friend I can do that easy. If that seventh guy's arm grows back I might have to charge a little more then normal because it's hard for me to make that much at once though...

Squire Siril,

That is most kind of you. There are 5 in my company, however due to business reasons only 2 of us will be attending the may market day, so I feel it is only right to ask for just the two of us. Please seek me out so I May thank you in person.

Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company

Please make 12 cure light, 4 poison shield, and 8 antidotes for me if you could for our new adventures.
Contact me privately on the cost.


Squire Foss Siril of Wayside
Much, much gratitude Squire Siril, I am most sure that those will save my companion and I.

Wild Rose,
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company