May Newsletter

The deadline for the May newsletter is June 6th. Your contributions are greatly appreciated by the plot team (who don't have to take time out of writing new material for you to write articles) and your fellow players who get a written testament to their adventures.

Please send contributions to:

- Amelia
Writing something sounds fun! :) How exactly are these articles written? I.e. - Out of character, like a newscaster-unbiased report on what happened? Or like a little editorial in-character "this happened to me!" sort of story? Also, can we focus on one aspect of what happened to us, or should we try to write an article encompassing more of a broad overview of the event?

Lol sorry I always have a thousand questions... ^^;

basically you get to pick. I have written articles specifically from the viewpoint of my character with any bias that he might wish to report, or specifically from a third party perspective describing a non biased account of what happened. You can also write letters to the editor, or to other characters (that you want to be public), want ads, gossip, or submit art that could be used in reference with an article.

not enough people contribute to the newsletter and it's sad because we actually use those in game and it's one of our only records of events that people can turn to to look back and seek information on a specific person or event.
Did you get Wisdom of the Forest?
Robb is right, you can basically write it any way you want. We do ask, however, that you not write up a chronicle of "My character woke up at 9 am and ate a muffin. Then, refreshed, I went and killed 2.5 goblins, earning five copper for my trouble, and stubbed my toe on a rock... ect." So, writing in the first person as your character is certainly allowed, as long as you don't make it all about them and how awesome they are. (Though your character IS quite awesome, Susie.)

Yes, thank you!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the deadline for newsletter submissions! I've recieved some great letters and gossip, but I would still love articles about:

The battle for the islands

The finding of the queen's sword and associated drama

Fending off the local troglodytes

The plague

The epic honor combat that took place
Can you please please please please please please, send me the newsletter through e-mail. pretty please. You forgot to do it last newsletter. Thanks a million!

I cant help with this one but since I am going to be pcing the next event I will write u something up after words.
KERPOW, two articles! (I just sent the second one.) :D I wrote up pretty much everything I can remember that I witnessed and thought was substantial. (Mostly plague stuff. I'm not quite epic enough to have seen the other ship/sword-finding drama, lol.)

Guys I think I'm becoming just a bit obsessed with this game, lol. ^^