May Opener Favorites


Chicago Staff
and with shocking revelations, the May open came to a close. Thanks DG/Alexander/Weirens for running a fun weekend. Also thanks to Christina/Em/Doug for the food.

- Speaking of food. The meatloaf was spot on. All 3 meals were great. Thanks so much you 3!
- Bellower Frogs
- Dungeon Team A on Floor 10- 1 on 1 battles
- Charis Ritual. Good Ol' late night time encounter. "...oooh...Charis you clever guy!"
- Putting Aaron Niddas in his place...but no one was around to hear it (I'm sure I botched the name, but I wasn't going to ask the guy to say it slowly to my good ear :P )
- Use of lights on night mods to create paths/openings, that was neat.
- A good challenging Whisplings mod late night
- Random back and forth quipping between Vaughn and I
- More to follow
I had an amazing time this event, a big thanks to all of the NPC's and Plot staff as well as Christina, Emilynn , and Doug for everything all of you did to make it great.

- Amazing weather!
- Being a "New" adventurer, it's been a while since I was the participant and not the watcher of youngling adventure.
- Everyone trying to figure out what Oliver can do and his unhelpful answers.
- Ollie and Ole... it wasn't that confusing... yet.
- Being "The one who knows Nature" and Olivers understanding of Earth magic being radically changed by a simple ceremony.
- Cho Ko Nu offending Oliver on a Hobbling level, which is low because they are short.
- Finding a friend in Vaughns MWE
- People just handing Oliver potions and such while his brain just short circuited. (DID YOU JUST HAND ME A PURIFY?!?!? DO THESE PEOPLE KNOW THOSE COST MONEY?!?!? WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!)
- People offering Oliver shields or asking to swap shields for a while and refusing because he is a lefty and everyone was offering right handed person shields (My shields are all ambidextrous, why are all of you so inconsiderate!)
- Saturday night Corrupt mod was amazing and felt just like a corrupt fight should. Also Charis amplifying Olivers mace made him pretty much exactly what I want as a Templar.
- Sunday morning Victor telling Oliver "If I get hit with a fear or anything feel free to keep going don't come guard me", then Oliver is the one who gets hit with a fear *glances at Victor and runs away*

All in all I had a lot of fun and can't wait for next event.
A very wonderful event and a nice surprise that I could make it.

Wonderful food as always. Thanks very much to all the cooking staff, wonderful food as always.

-Step one 'ask baron west-guard if I can become a squire' complete.
-Ollie's racial melt down, ' Are you SURE you understand how batching works? '
-While no one likes dieing, IG and OOG, it was a death I went to willingly and without regret.
-Ok, fine, I'll be the newbie rangler.
-The expiration on my once a day bane sword that I NEVER USED. the rendered indestructible was very nice though.
-Charis telling me how knows what I want, will ask for and will get. *receives rank 4 protection aura* I didn't even know I wanted that.
-Busting my leg chasing down that necromancer. We still got ya!
-FINALLY warming up to cho ko nu.
-I actually made bank this event. For the first time ever I have more coming out than going in.

A great event, lets all hope for squire Ragnarok in the future.
My biggest thanks go out to "Ollie & Lena" for being such an enormous help in the Tavern, for the first time in forever I was able to participate in a lot of the RP conversations that go on before, during and directly after a meal.

Enjoyed taking a leading role in updating Sir Victor on the plans Quinn & I made to get a circle up in Bomae - Hooray for our new Secret Circle!!
Enjoyed being included in the discussions updating the Duke on the state of affairs and our plans moving forward.

Great Saturday night battle! Really enjoyed it (except for brief nose bashing that Vaughn gave me - still swollen & sore) - oh well, such is the price of a good battle :confused:

Ryan/Asher, thank you for inviting me to join your sleeping quarters and then having to make special ward arrangements for having a Biata in the room.

Sad faced that as the "B" team we didn't get very far in the Dungeons :(

Big round of Applause again to Esten for the plumbing and Greg for the new stairs & landing off the kitchen door!!!! :D :D :D :D
Thanks to everyone that made this event what it was! A few of my favorites, in no order:
  • Special shout out to Greg for all the great work he did on the stairs!
  • Everything Ole and Lena, from their incredible outfits, hilarious roleplaying, and fantastic assistance in the kitchen!
  • The Muddy Buddy finale mod was a lot of fun. “How many more to go?” “Ten.”
  • I loved being able to step back and just play smaller roles on Vaughn's mods as he took the lead.
  • All of the talk with PCs I had as Elder Knotmore looking for the right people to participate in the Rite of Nature. Now THAT’S a SoMN throwback mod.
  • Floor 10 Metheran Dungeon Duels!
  • Playing the Blue Bellower Frogs was fun, but Carly surprising one of my frogs as I turned around... I absolutely lost it.
  • Both the small group weapon recovery Corrupt mod in the afternoon and good old fashioned Corrupt fight Saturday night were lots of fun.
  • As self-appreciative as this may be, I just have to admit that I love playing the Harroc.
  • The “EVERYONE OUT OF THE CIRCLE” moment as Asher saw the Harroc’s evil weapon stuck in Charis.
  • Late-night Whispling mod.
  • “We are like 15 feet away from the most serious RP that has happened all event, and we’re just like ‘Mustiche!’” You know who you are, and we’re the best. :P
  • Asher cast three rituals and didn’t flaw any of them! Truly, I’m astonished.
  • “Butters have udders!”
And certainly more I'm forgetting. Thanks again, and see y'all soon enough!
This was a seriously amazing event. Plot, you did a fantastic job!

--Frogs! I haven't yet figured out how to spell the noise you made...
--Gelkk mod with the clockwork golem. Nice use of the lights
--The looks I always get from Alexander's NPCs when I make ridiculous suggestions. All I said was to put Kalmok's Anvil on wheels, move it ten miles and cast Stable Foundation, there's no way that wouldn't work. ;)
--Not sure I should mention this, but my first time ever getting threatened with a gypsy curse...
--Methren Sphere! So glad we had time to send two groups. We felt like we made serious progress getting up to level 12!
--Corrupt weapons retrieval
--Flaming undead and hearing this from about ten different people: "wait, if they're on fire why aren't they damaged extra by ice?"
--Vaughn's undead salesman, and the ensuing discussion of "well did we actually SEE him cast any necromancy?"
--"Talking to Cho'ko'nu costs a silver, but if he keeps going too long it gets more expensive because of batching."
--All the late night everyone-else-is-in-bed mods with the sort of people who like to go to sleep after 4am ;)
--Those mean Pin corrupt! :)
--I'm still hoping "fat whiner" catches on...
--"I'm telling Bethanne." "What? Why would you do that to me?!"
--Frogs again (it deserves a second mention).

Can't wait for next month!
some of my favorites..

meeting some new dwarves in the area.
the Ritual of nature story, that was both interesting and a blast from the past.
the metheran tower and only advancing 2 more levels..
the saturday/sunday fight that got very intense ..
getting from Asher the needed material to start working on equipment for the next trip into the metheran tower.
Great to be back LARPing after so many months!

- Feeling like other PCs are finally starting to understand the character of Cho Ko Nu beyond the incorrect "greedy merchant" archetype that too many have assumed for too long, especially Ragnorak.
- Barbarian bonding with Ragnorak.
- Making Ollie's Hobling blood boil with a discussion of merchanting and how batching works. ;)
- Fronting the gold for Ole's blacksmithing workshop and enjoying some great strawberry brew!
- Yet another huge blacksmithing order with Iganeous to replenish the weapon and armor stock.
- Feeling quite effective as a high damage polearm fighter during the Corrupt mod on Saturday night.
- Surviving both nights with absolutely no armor. Thank you healers, especially Jamina! (And yes, I am working on having actual armor soon.)
- Asher's prank invoking the name of Jimmy Three Face and some travelling weapons.
- Trying to buy/hire Vaughn's NPC necromancer's undead to kill him.
- All the improvements/repairs to the site. Thanks to everyone for all their hard work on it!

Looking forward to the next one!