May Rumors 1515

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Rumors have been spreading across the region over the last couple weeks:

I used to think it was bad when there were just patches of land where just certain spells didn’t work, but now there are places where no magic works at all! Why’s this happening?

Pratorak has been straining pretty hard to maintain its border in some places, but they seem reluctant to take on significant assistance until they know for certain that their helpers won’t buckle or run if things go badly.

The Earth and Celestial Guilds have had a sudden rise in people interested in Dragon Lore for some reason. Any additional resources on Dragons would be greatly appreciated.

Have Kobolds been uppity lately for other people, or do they just not like me? I mean, some are still fine, but the ones with the blue thing on their face have been super jerky whenever I come across them.

Can you believe that Ragnorak wants to be Sir Von Gryphon’s squire? His kind isn’t cut out for noble government!

A handful of armed, ruffian-lookin’ folks showed up at my shack the other day and I was sure that they was gonna rob me for what little I’ve got, but instead, they gave me a couple of potions and even a new blanket before going off on their way!

My cousin said there was a Biata with two claws that visited the capital a few weeks ago! I told her she’s seeing double and needs to lay off the ale for a while.

Dryads at their trading post in the Western Wilds have been working hard to prevent and treat a lot of poisonous dart wounds that have plagued travelers to the region ever since the weather warmed up.

My guard uncle in Tunaria told me that the Butterfly managed to break into the Royal Treasury, but apparently didn’t steal any gold or jewels from the vault. If all the good stuff is still there, what did he steal that’s got him in so much trouble?

With the amount of unique potion and alchemy brewing he’s done, I’m surprised Benjamin hasn’t just become a living elixir or potion by this point.