May Rumors around Town


Chicago Staff
It’s going to be tougher to get out for a goblin fight what with all this talk of goblin gladiator unions--Shh, someone’s coming!

The Squire is back at Fairfax… Ser Silverleaf looked pretty grumpy about it, but the Duchess seems happy. I wonder what he was doing all winter?

Did you see that creepy guy with the red eyes… He just showed up in Westhaven one day with a Biata slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and strolled up to Fairfax Keep. People who wear black all the time are all necromancers, if you ask me.

--Do you want to join my party and take on the Proctor’s quest? The librarians told me where to go to meet her.

--No way, any job the adventurers couldn't finish is a job I'm not qualified to even try!

--Come on, you can be a Hero!

Stay away from the Isle of Bones… No, seriously, something nasty is up there. Good thing there’s no waystone there or Spider Island, I wouldn’t want whatever it is to rift to the mainland!

My cousin has a friend who knows a guy living in Cresswood, and he says bandit king Cha'ka gets a letter every day calling him a dumb little kitty, and I tell you, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near when he finds the one who sent those!

--Did you hear about the tower? Sagittarius and that Stahn fellow are conspiring together...

--No, stupid, Stahn was sent by King Grimlock to investigate the Stoners and got found out, but the Stoners don't want the King to know they're onto him which is why they're pretending to still be buddies.

--What's wrong with the two of you? Have you been dipping into the Festival Ale?

There’s this Molekin going around digging everywhere. I swear, if he digs up my sunflower garden he’ll face my wrath!

With the Squire gone for so long I thought for sure Duchess Fairfax sent him to The Northlunds like everyone else that has crossed her.

Well, that Elixir of Growth certainly brought my hair back….however, now I have little flowers growing in my hair. least they match my shoes.

Frederick is the Farmhouse Murderer! No seriously, this time it really is him! Err...was him!

Did you see that old man with that nice looking dragon cane? I wonder how much that thing is worth.

Targus is the cause and the solution to all of life’s problems.