May Rumors Around Westhaven


Chicago Staff
The waystones are not working- sometimes they deposit people dead on the other side, sometimes they just cost triple the components- and I heard my cousin Timmers ended up joined into some kind of centaur with his neighbors draft horse cause of them.

Something must be up in the Northlunds... The elite shock troops and Hearthguard have formed to march on the rebels but have yet to take to the battle- they are just sitting encamped.

The undead army marching on the Northlunds has vanished. Must be holed up somewhere in the mountains--I hope!

Old Hearth seems to still be locked down. Would hate to be in the Lumber Industry with that disease going around.

Got to check people for them worms- heard 90% of the adventurers are infected. That Avacyn was the Duke’s right hand, after all.

  • Did you hear Duchess Fairfax is engaged to Ser Siril? I wonder when the engagement party is.
  • Like you’d be invited.

  • Hey, I met her...once...I think...5 years ago. She was sneaking around town with some book.

  • They grow up so fast.

  • She’s still doing that…

  • But now it’s her town to sneak around. So it’s fine!
Seriously how many Were-creatures are there, why were the deathworms disbanded ?? Every full moon I hear whoops, hollers, and worse.

My cousin on the NW coast of the Northlunds saw some white light in the direction of the Four Sisters. He even said he heard an echo of “Something do something believe” not sure what the two words were.

I talked to Clyde from The Purple Lotus. He was talking about some tower that appeared out of nowhere. His master tried to destroy the thing but it wouldn’t budge. Maybe this is all talk, but he said there were 88 floors to it; at least that’s how far his master got before cursing about some creature that can only be harmed by magic.

- Hear the Azure Road from Azure Keep to that Keep in Tympany is completed?

- Wait, really, it's called The Azure Road?

- Not really called that, but I liked the name!

Regardless of her lectures, I still disagree with the Dean. Pluto is NOT a planet.

Wonder what that girl’s voice was talking about some drunk not hearing her. That’s like, half the drunks I know!

That Billium fella sure is patient, he’s been sitting at the tavern for 2 weeks now. Wonder why.

  • I would pay 1g to the first person to make me laugh. Yep. Though I’d pay 2g to see my pet bear laugh!

  • Why do you bring him everywhere with you Solar?
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