May Rumors Heard Around Westhaven



“Hey did you hear that horrible Roar coming from the west a while ago? It sounded like some huge creature in horrible pain!” “No I didn’t hear anything like that, ya know how I sleep like a rock these days. But I did see a whole lot of smoke over that way awhile ago! I wonder if something bad happened again!!”

Did you hear there is one of those Anti Magical Places in the Eternal Leaf Crown? So wait how many is that now- Well there is Cresswood, Centarus, One of those 9 Towers, some place on the Bird Island, and now the ELC...shame shame. Somebody ought to fix that.

This noble looking guy asked me if I wished for anything, and when I wished for a better harvest this year my crops grew to double the size overnight. My allergies have sure been acting up though.

Did you hear? Old man Johnson asked this guy for a full head of hair and his head turned into hair!

APATOW and AZURDEX sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G-!!!!! Only way the Dumyuk can be explained!!!

That Dumyuk thing just keeps killing folks - wonder why the Earth Guild doesn't hunt it down- “Probably because it killed most of its leadership already

I hear howls, chirps, chortles, meows, whinies, and growls every full moon now- how do you ever get any sleep.

Glad those summer folks fixed my house- They made me dinner--They listened to all my problems. So nice of those Fae to help those in need!

The War in the Northlunds is a Stalemate!

The Dwarves have been routed- war will be over any day!

King Grimlock died and High Magistrate Stillroot raised him as an undead!

Ok seriously who built those portal things- they let dangerous stuff out all the time and you can barely even see them- I went to the outhouse one night and ended up in some Sapphire Kingdom Place- took me 3 days to get home jumping through portals! And one of those is on -Spider Island- like who did that it was certain death! Glad I made it back!

The Farm House Murderer is Grimshaw! Wait is he back? Yeah killed a bunch of folks right before Bliss! Must of needed one last rampage.

Baron Bluewater is a blood thirsty savage he put to death an entire caravan of Selunari because they would not pay his Taxes!!! His First Knight Kairon did it so it must be true! Are you SURE? Ain’t his wife Selunari? Don’t the Selunari like have an entire Tower in his keep?

Ternian Undead outnumber Ternian Living is what I hear!

Has anyone seen that big black dog? I saw it a couple times but it has not been around lately.

