May Teaser: The Mists

Cory Walker

Heroes of Arden have undone curses, fought back hordes of undead, courted powerful allies and foes, and thwarted invasions from neighboring countries, warring bands, and even from other planes of existence. The power and balance of the Elders is restored. Even Bleak, the great wyrm of ice and death has left the realm of Arden to brief quiet winter. The lands from Feldric Forest to the Ragelands to the Brokenlands lay in peace. It is said the realms are in planar alignment.

Adventures seem far and few between. But a thick unnatural mist engulfs the land, leaving many to wonder, "What will befall us next?"

(OOG: Please come join us at our Traverse City Season Opener, May 20th through May 22nd. Pre-register at
That's seems ominous that I search for the unknown and new. I see the lands being peaceful so I am moving on and this seems like the right direction for me to go.
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