MCFC Rules and Regulations

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Minnesota Staff
Greetings all!
On behalf of Roderick Rak'star. Members of the Magic and Slayer's Guild are proud to announce the rules and regulations for MCFC, or Monster **** Fighting Challenge. This event will have teams hunting and capturing a monster to use in one on one battles in a bracketed tournament. Registration will being in the morning and hunts will be available through the day and will close a half hour before the tournament begins.

Hunting Rules
Teams will consist of five members. Once you register your team, you will be able to purchase a special magic item called a Capture Capsule. Each capsule will cost five gold, the money going towards the prize pool for the winners.

Once your team has a Capture Capsule you will be able to hunt one of the creatures on a list provided by the Slayer's Guild. Note: These Capsules do not guarantee success in capturing a monster and the more dangerous the monster, the less effective they are. If a team fails to capture their chosen target they can purchase a new Capsule and attempt another hunt.

Only the members of a team can go on a hunt for one of the listed creatures, so choose wisely when selecting a quarry. The Slayer's and Magic Guild are not legally responsible for any accidental death or dismemberment while on one of these hunts.

Once your team has captured a monster, you will have a choice to lock in your fighter, or choose to release it and purchase a new Capsule to attempt a more challenging hunt. Once you lock in your fighter you cannot purchase additional capsules.

MCFC Battle Rules
You may prepare your chosen fighter for combat, including amplifying their combat abilities or if intelligent enough arming them with magic items and other equipment. If a team wishes to cast rituals upon their fighter they will be able to target the capsule and it will transfer the enchantments to the creature so you can safely cast your rituals without releasing a cantankerous beast in your Circle of Power.

When entering battle teams will be placed in Circles of Power and will release their beasts on the count of three. The beasts then will battle to the death with their teams encouraging them to win. Once a beast is slain the victor will automatically return to their Capture Capsule.

Any outside interference will result in the offender to be removed from the arena and if on a MCFC Team, that team will be disqualified.

Prizes will be awarded to First, Second, and Third Place (the two losers of the semi-finals will split the reward of third place).
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