Me Sell Rare Potions!



Me be Cho Ko Nu, honorable trader and rank of Cho Ko Nu in Brokers Guild of Gaden.

Over last couple years, me help potionmaster Benjamin Bookworm create unique and rare potions by study of blood from different races. Me even give me own blood for study. Last year, he make potions in big batch, using many of me gold for final resources. He be successful, so now me have these potions for sell.

Potions have rare properties and make each effect last 5 days when drink it, but can only use effect one time. Also same effect no be able stack on top of each other. These potions cannot leave Sheltered Lands. Me lowest price be three Gold each, but me may sell auction style highest bidder if more than one adventurer want specific one.

Racial Assassinate, two for sale
Resist Poison, five for sale
Resist Binding, five for sale
Resist Command, two for sale
Resist Necromancy, one for sale

If want or have question, dream with me here or send messenger. Me no able read so send letter do no good.

We make good trade,
-Cho Ko Nu
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In talk with someone who maybe want buy, it be good idea for mention:

Think of race blood potions like "One time ever" Magic Item, just in form of potion, and no able travel mists.

For clarify, Resist no be same as Shield. Resist better because Resist let you choose when use, not only use at first time possible. You can choose wait for big nasty spell for use it, no waste on little spell.

This make price of three Gold each fair and good trade!

-Cho Ko Nu
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All potions still be for sale! There be some interest but no one make official trade yet!

-Cho Ko Nu
Cho Ko Nu, have you every thought if sell them to adventurers as whole for very nice group price because maybe it a nice thing to do? I know they will be needed badly in June. Think on it.


You no make sense. Me adventurer too. How me make good trade with me? Also, me no wait for June. Me need sell at this gather for buy other more important things. If want buy all as group, price be 45 Gold.

If you want, and it be clear you need, me can teach how market work when next me see you. Me no think you rival me as merchant any time soon.

-Cho Ko Nu
Cho Ko Nu. Me no want rival you as merchant. Me no care about lots of money. Me no care about how merchant-ing work. What me care about is doing right things. And you care about money more than doing right things. I believe doing right thing here is help work for best interest of adventurers and Gaden. I no say you cannot make money. But maybe making less money and doing right thing would be a good thing.

I have no more to say about this.

Think on this Cho Ko Nu.


Playing a man of honor and pressing that Cho Ko Nu should "do the right thing" is a loaded way of speaking, in my eyes. It is no more Cho Ko Nu's necessary responsibility to be a hero for the community than it is mine. You may have as much self-righteous honor and devotion to "the right thing" for yourself as you want, but do not expect everyone to share your beliefs. Everyone chooses our own way to act, for better or for worse, and you don't have any authority to tell us, or even guilt us, into changing.

I'm not even a Mystic and I believe that.

- Samuel Terris
.... I hate it when other people have to teach me why I'm wrong again....

You are right. I apologize for my words. I spoke in ignorance.

I still have much to learn.

I sorry

No worries, friend. You've got your heart in the right place. Just remember that everyone's heart isn't necessarily hanging out with yours.

- Samuel Terris
Don't be so hard on Raggles. He's an idealist. And arguably, you to some degree violate your own injunction by claiming the right of self-determination to be of greater moral imperative than charity or self-sacrifice for the greater good. Are you sure you're not a Mystic?

But in any case, I'll remind Bethanne to tell you about responsible business practices, Rag. Merchants can contribute more to society when they're assured of being able to recoup their losses and use their profits for expansion.


Again you bring me unjust dishonor and false attack on me motives that do hurt me ability for make good trade.

When next we meet, we have honor duel. Me know you accept, me no need offer challenge.

When me win, you give me everything- all coin, potion, alchemy, trap, weapon, armor, component, natural catalyst, and any other treasure- you earn, find, buy, or get as gift until this time next year.

Put you honor where you coinpurse be.

-Cho Ko Nu
Um, I'm not sure that saying "Yer a jerk so I'm going to beat you up and take all of your things for a year" is really the best response to feeling like people might not think yer a good guy....

Is that even legal? York might beat you up to maybe....

Also I heard about those potions, dey is not cheap or easy to make I mean some of them required getting blood from innocent Rabbits who are kinda wimps at bleeding their own blood....

Cho Ko Nu,

If that's all it takes to prompt this honor duel, maybe I should fight on his behalf. I know I've said worse things about you than that. You say that if you win, you get everything he gains for one year - are you willing to offer the same thing that you demand of him if you lose?

Cho Ko Nu,

I would ask as a representative of the Broker's Guild that you do respect your trade, as it is quite noble, however as an official of the guild, I cannot condone this behavior. I believe that Ragnarok has apologized, that should be more that sufficient for the words that he spoke. It seems to me that he understands that he misspoke and did not mean any offense to you. I would not like for our guild representatives to be seen as those who would take from others whereas our goal is to promote commerce throughout Gaden. If someone does not like the deals that are offered, they may speak out against them or haggle, but in the end, you may choose how to sell them or what price to sell them at. Understand that consumers are not always pleased with the deals presented before them and take it in stride.

If you'd like to debate with me more about it, I will be arriving in Shademarch on the first of May in the evening, probably rather punctually around 10 bells.

Samuel Garett,
Senior Shipping Officer, Broker's Guild of Gaden

This come up every year at some point. Best get it out of way early.

Adventurers and armies need tools for battle. Merchants and traders supply them at price that allow for make more in future and in bigger quantities. This be the relationship between Gaden and Roskaria.

Brokers Guild of Gaden and Traders Guild of Roskaria assist crafters and in develop and create new recipes and items. These innovations help make breakthroughs in battles and wars. Fighters use tools, but it be crafters and merchants who make tool. Both be needed for victory.

Benjamin Bookworm have skill and me supply coin- dozens and dozens of gold- for resources needed for make. Me be very and purposeful blunt here: Me use all me profits from all of last year for make these race blood potions. Me have almost nothing left. Me ask price of 3 Gold each barely cover cost for make, if even that.

Before you assume and challenge me more: What you know about good trade? What you know about cost for produce? What you know about put entire year of labor into one project and have some fool ask you give away for nothing?

Me honor already be in me work and me respect words of Senior Shipping Officer Samuel Garett and move on in stride and make good trade with someone else.

All potions still available for trade!

-Cho Ko Nu
Honorable Merchant of Brokers Guild of Gaden
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It just got really loud in here. I feel like I should have more to say on this but I don't really. Have a nice day I guess?

Someone ask me and no, me no have more race blood potions. Me already sell them all. If you need more, you need talk with Benjamin Bookworm for him make more.

-Cho Ko Nu