MEC Storm Madness, part Trois

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Per the addendum when a spell (or effect) was Reflect Magiced or Baned, the person doing the Bane of Reflect Magic was the new caster (the idea being that if you bounce back a Dominate, it actually means something). In the case of Reflecting or Baning a MEC Storm, does this mean that the person performing the Bane/Reflect may now begin chucking an unlimited number of packets?

If yes, is the Reflect'd/Baned MEC Storm considered a "cast" storm (and therefore subject to the rules of whether or not you are under a "no-skills" effect) or an Activated one (and therefore omitted from consideration of them), or is it entirely dependent on what the original one was? (This would matter in terms of whether or not you could have both a Magic Storm and an Earth Storm up at the same time, for instance)

Also, if the first question is answered as true, does the original caster still have an active MEC Storm as well? i.e., can I cast a MEC Storm, throw it at my buddy Bob who "Banes" it (which I take as damage but can continue to maintain my spell) and now we both can start chucking the MEC Storm side-by-side?

When Spell Storing a MEC Storm, does storing the spell end the MEC Storm? Can any packet from the MEC Storm be absorbed, or does it have to be the first one, or the last one?
This post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made, will be posted here (removing this post). Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
The following should be added under 'Concentration' to clarify this situation:

Unlike most spells, Storm-type spells involve throwing multiple packets for a single casting of the spell. For those enchantments which will hold a spell - such as Enchant, Expanded Enchantment and Spell Store - a Storm must be cast directly into the item to 'charge' it; this does not allow someone to both 'charge' such an enchantment and throw multiple packets from the same casting. In addition, due to their unique casting style, these spells do not 'switch' casters when Baned or Reflected - only the single packet's worth of damage will be sent back to the caster.

-Bryan Gregory
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