MEC Storm vs Fortress, part deux

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In a previous ARC ruling, it was stated: As noted in the spell, only touchcast spells (on themselves) are allowed under Fortress; you could not continue a Magic Storm which was active at the time the Fortress was cast. However, activated items may be used while under a Fortress effect, though one would need to be *very* careful to not break the spell physical limitations while attempting to activate a Storm type spell.

Does this mean that casting Fortress at someone with a MEC storm will end the MEC storm, or can the caster continue their MEC storm and ignore the Fortress effect as they do not meet the somatic requirements for the effect?

Also, it isn't clear if a maintained Activated MEC Storm ignores the "you can only touchcast spells", per the second part of this answer. Since the original spell was activated, not cast, does it ignore the restriction?
This post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made, will be posted here (removing this post). Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
jpariury said:
In a previous ARC ruling, it was stated: As noted in the spell, only touchcast spells (on themselves) are allowed under Fortress; you could not continue a Magic Storm which was active at the time the Fortress was cast. However, activated items may be used while under a Fortress effect, though one would need to be *very* careful to not break the spell physical limitations while attempting to activate a Storm type spell.

Does this mean that casting Fortress at someone with a MEC storm will end the MEC storm, or can the caster continue their MEC storm and ignore the Fortress effect as they do not meet the somatic requirements for the effect?

This is a valid offensive use of Fortress and will break a cast Storm spell.

Also, it isn't clear if a maintained Activated MEC Storm ignores the "you can only touchcast spells", per the second part of this answer. Since the original spell was activated, not cast, does it ignore the restriction?

A maintained activated storm would *not* be broken by a Fortress.
Polare said:
jpariury said:
In a previous ARC ruling, it was stated: As noted in the spell, only touchcast spells (on themselves) are allowed under Fortress; you could not continue a Magic Storm which was active at the time the Fortress was cast. However, activated items may be used while under a Fortress effect, though one would need to be *very* careful to not break the spell physical limitations while attempting to activate a Storm type spell.

Does this mean that casting Fortress at someone with a MEC storm will end the MEC storm, or can the caster continue their MEC storm and ignore the Fortress effect as they do not meet the somatic requirements for the effect?

This is a valid offensive use of Fortress and will break a cast Storm spell.

Note that as per owner vote this is no longer applicable. Please see this thread for details:


-Bryan Gregory
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