
Hey Guys,

In trying to decide if the drive is worth it for the 2 meet and greet events... are these full 1day events? IE Build awarded, get to play our PCs, treasure, danger, adventure etc.

What types of mods can we expect? what do you guys need from us? what support can we give you?

I'd love to make it either ways but it might be rough to drive 15 hours to just say hi and talk about costuming.

I alas, shall likely be unable to make it this month. *sigh* But I shall see y'all at the S. Michigan weekend!
The meet and greets were designed to help new players "learn the ropes" of our game system. They were also a concept to bring new faces and to help grow our chapter. The more people the more fun in my opinion. The events will be counted as a normal Day Faire as far as experience goes and you can Gobby them if you can not attend. Any one of our current members who brings someone new to this event will receive a $5.00 coupon which can be used toward Event fees or Membership dues. This new person does not have to pay for that event either. During those events we will be having workshops which are designed to give new players (and old) information about our In-Game world, our Out-of-Game policies (safety, costumeing, etc.), Character Creation/Background, Combat Rules, Weapon Constuction/Safety and a few other topics with an emphasis on Role-Playing. There will also be Modual Style scenerios that will take place in our Game World and will directly affect plot. The new players (and Old) taking on the roles of Town Guards and Bandits. These several scenerios will allow each new player to experience at least some (if not all) of the character classes, races and thier abilities. This will give them a better idea of how the game mechanics work by actually doing them, than by reading in a book or us telling them verbally. It is encouaged that all current members attend and any that wish to help in any way to come as well. After this upcoming Day Faire (By Your Request) I will be posting particular needs for those events.
