Meet the SoMN Staff for 2010


As we continue to develop as a chapter we also strive to better define the position and rolls within our ranks I'm excited to announce the majority of our confirmed line up for 2010, please note this list is NOT exhaustive as there are at least two people off the top of my head I am hoping to rope into helping staff our 2010 season, but for now this is who we have confirmed!

General Manager - Helps keep us online and current with bills and logistical work, able to award goblin stamps for donations and work.
Paige Hubbell

Head of Plot - Helps with top level plot devices, helps mod contributors work to fit their story lines into the existing game.
Stephen Stana

Monster Camp Marshals - Assigns cards, helps NPCs with costuming and answers basic NPC questions during events at monster camp.
Emilynn Henderson, Emma Berg

On the Fly Plot guy - Helps ensure that the game runs smoothly, helps with plot write ups and facilitating additional plot when needed.
Chris Hamilton

Logistics Head - Runs Tavern Commitee as well as helps with Database tracking between games.
Ryan of the McGregor Variety

Tavern Commitee - Makes sure we have sufficent food for each game, helps run tavern when needed
<to be determined, see Ryan B.>

Webmaster / Assistant Web Master(s) - In charge of maintaining our web presense, this includes our website as well as link updates and listings on many services.
Brent Woodward, Andrew Cameron

Want to be on staff? We are also looking for two active volunteers to be 'newbie' marshals and work with new people before and between games in what to expect/basic costuming and answering questions. Interested partys can send an e-mail to this position requires checking your e-mail/contacts at least every 2 days or so.
Wooo! Three Cheers for the staff! (minus one likes that guy >.>)
/sobs of joy?
Dave, sooner or later you're going to have to remember that here are no O's in my name. Not even one.
Just check my signature next time you need to spell it ;)

My hope is that a more open (and private) forum for submitting comments about the game will convince people to start actually giving some.
We've been missing out on something we really need, and that's feedback from our players. Especially immediately following an event.
So along with contacting me about any specific issues you'd like addressed, please remember to give us a post-event review, and submit a feedback form as well. I look forward to hearing from you, and working together to make our game better.

Now whether or not I end up as "Tavern Staff" is still up in the air, but I would like to remind everybody of my desire to help out there.
I'd also like to volunteer to help out a bit with the newbie marshaling duties. At whatever games I attend, and the times in between, I'm happy to help.
>.> Evon Cristonson >.>
Yes, great job Emma! It's people like you who make me wonder, "Should I NPC next event? It looks so awesome!". But then the lure of Gandian Ravenscroft comes back to me... oh well. I do plan on NPCing someday, though.

Overall, congratulations to all of those who hold new positions! I'm sure you will bring our chapter to its peak of awesome!
I have to agree that I've been mightily impressed with many of our new NPCs. It makes me motivated to try stepping up my own game.
We'll see how well that turns out over the summer, but I'm looking forward to making as many events as I can when school isn't in the way.
I am committed to increasing and improving my contributions to this game in whatever way I can.
Hopefully I can start to show a bit more in the next coming season.
Alexander, i have been saying that since i started playing....and just a few events ago was the FIRST time I had ever NPC'd longer than a mod or two...and even than I STILL played Hengin for half the game lol.... PC 4 life!

Sadly, the only time Gandian will probably be not desirable to play will be when he perms, after which point I'll be so ready and excited to start my next character (probably a barbarian) that I probably'll forget to be an NPC! :lol:
YES I HAVE CORRUPTED ONE! perm his current character...

(Commence long, drawn-out sarcasm!) Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhh... that's it. ;)
well that sounds like it could be a most interesting situation. and congrats to emma ,for having npc'ed a few events myself it does seem quite exciting.

david raatz
thank you! i'm really excited to be able to help. :)
fyi brent: i can help you with perming gandian :twisted: you know where to find me.
Hey now! I ain't quite done playin' him yet!