Merchant in town


Young Masters and Mistresses,

Put in your orders. What ever you want, I will do my best to get it. If I do not know what you want, I can not try to get it....right????

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
2 gold 3 silver for 30 cure light wounds please.

Little brother Gandian will pick up and pay, or Gubba will if he forgets.

Healer of Gaden
Sister to Gandian, Dure'dhel, & Eric
Stag Champion
I'm looking to purchase a few (maybe 6 or 8 or so) endow potions, and about 5 or so nausea weapon coatings to coat my bolts with.
Any last minute orders??

See you very late Friday....or early Saturday

Many blessings to all and have a safe market day,