Merchant's Guild of Fairfax


The Merchant's Guild of Fairfax would like give a remind to place you orders.

We are available for all with good intention to buy our wares at reasonable prices. If you are interested in purchasing something from our lists, please contact the craftsman directly or myself Guild Leader Aramis Seablade. Remember space fills up quickly.

Aramis Seablade

I's has procured somes new throwin weapons and would like to coat 'em in a serious vorpal coat. Fer a lit'el extra punch as it were.
So I's believe hat I woulds need four coatin's and someones to apply them fer me.
If ye could lets me know what hat mite set back, and whom I's should parlay wit.

Thank ye
Grimshaw Harvus
Purify potions are in need in the forgotten lands. I would like to procure some of they are available

Pyke, Aira'yen Clan of the Mala'kari

Your request has been received and please follow up with Sam as you craftsmen.


At this time we are unable to take this order as we do not have any space for potion available. Hitch 42 may have a craftsmen in town this market and some adventures that are not part of the Merchants guild may still be able to assist you with you request.

TO all adventurers know we will have our salesteam availble in Westhaven this market for your needs.

Goodman Pyke my lead potions designer and brewer Collette shall be in town to take your order without a doubt. Wonderfully she is so skilled in the nuance of customer service that she can handle orders of all shapes and sizes beyond the simplicities of brewed collections.

Hitch 42 lead Sales Consultant Josiah Jebediah Jimclipper
It is good to hear you are still well. I look forward to talking with you representative in person. I would like to know how the new docks and warehouse are working for your group now that is more than just plans on paper. Also I am still waiting to discuss in more detail ways we can continue to grow and support our community together.

Master Jimclipper,

I am always in the market for any astrological tool that aids one with accuracy in reading the stars. Please let me know if you have discovered such an item since our last conversation.


Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar I have a researcher investigating the specific ware you seek.

Aramis the newer infrastructure is working marvelously and I am pleased to say all is well. We hope to begin a new and more glorious future of cooperation with you as we move forward.

Josiah Jebediah Jimclipper