Merchants Yvon Beetle and Alexi Reddenbarg

Merchants Yvon Beetle and Alexi Reddenbarg,

Thank you for appraoching me to seek out trade agreements. On behalf of the town of Hozion we would be interested in working out an agreement to recieve the fish you spoke of. I would very much like to sit down to dinner with you in the near future to sample the products you are offering.

Walk with Honor,

~Squire Victor von Gryphon
Dearest Squire,

Might I request that you keep me informed on this trade agreement? Fish is a dish that I have not yet had the pleasure of serving in the tavern. I would be interested in possibly adding this to the menu if things go well.

Respectfully, Socora

Yes, I think that - if this agreement works out - that we might indeed be able to include fish into the menu in the near future. Based on your other dishes being delicious, I would look forward to fish being served in the tavern as well! I will keep you in the know.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon