Message for Loremasters of New Acarthia for May 415


Unto the populace of New Acarthia do I, Senior Lorekeeper Amberion Welminster, send greetings.

I wish to let it be known that at the May Gather there will be no meeting for the Loremasters Guild. The reasoning for this is because I will be unable to attend. I have received information such I must not tarry and have been unable to delegate to anyone to manage the meeting in my stead. The information I have recieved will have me in Bayenna through June. At that time I will have more information to share as well as some tasks that the Loremasters Guild will need assistance with.

In the mean time I want to congratulate those that have completed their tasks and are now full guildmembers known as Initiates:

Baroness Dame Kathryn Westing Elavir, Andrew the Bard, Lucian, Squire Graham Wolsey, and Dame Katherine Albright of Rivervale.

If you are interested in joining them please know that the Loremasters Guild takes all applicants!

I would like charge these new Initiates of the Loremasters Guild to spread the word that for those that are not able to read or write, they can still be in the Guild. If an applicant can relate their experience to a scribe or member of the Loremasters Guild and have that submitted to the Acarthia Times specifying that it is for the Loremasters Guild then they too can be an Initiate. but to progress further they will need to be able to write out their reports in their own hand.

My thanks for your time. I will endeavor for more concise communications in the future.

Yours in Service
Sr Lorekeeper Amberion Welmister
Acting Savant of the Loremasters Guild
Please note also that members of the New Acarthia Loremasters Guild receive discounts in both the Healers Guild and the Mages Guild of New Acarthia. These discounts are not equivalent to full membership of either the Mages or Healers Guilds, but are in both guilds rather than a single one. Discounts are for: potions, scrolls, identification of magic items, and spellcrafting. Please inquire within the Mages Guild and Healers Guild for a description of these benefits.

Shani Vulpere
New Acarthia Mages Guild
New Acarthia, Acarthia, Acarthia