Message from the Solar's Guild of Wayside


We would like to offer a wonderful opportunity to all adventurers. To better serve you and to aid the town of Westhaven and even the Fairfax Barony itself. We are opening the celestial circle for investment.

We are holding an auction which begins now and will end February 24th at midnight.
The two highest bidders will all be invested into the circle at no additional cost early into the March gather. Bid large and bid proud.

Finally I wanted to announce that we will be holding an auction for atleast one catalyst of rarity and one item of power during the March gather. Times for this auction will be announced in the days leading into the gather.

Greetings and Salutations from the Solar of Peace Yolan Vassil

The Highest Bids...
20-Madame Privatio
15-Enan Bluewater
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15 Gold, it's for a good cause, member of the Defenders to be selected at a later time to be invested.

Enan Bluewater.
2 gold, 'cause then I can keep people safe in the circle. I didn't get a chance to bid when we found that paper to make me a circle before Enan got it, so this seems like a good way like to get a safe circle.

~ Silp
I will match Enans bid of 15 gold.

I have a private bid from an adventurer who does not wish their name shared at this time. The bid is 20 gold. Tis most exciting.

Yolan Vassil
Remember this auction ends on Monday at Midnight, so soon, so sad, yet so needed for all things must end.

Yolan Vassil
So whats going to happen if the bid stays tied?
That is a most exciting possibility but unfortunate for the point of the auction was for the two highest bidders to be invested.

Yolan Vassil
16 gold from the Defenders
Neat little trick Enan. Don't think i will forget about it.

Vary well, Sera Lydia Fallingstar and a member of the Defenders shall be invested. This is most exciting

Yolan Vassil
I wish that I had seen this earlier, but the dreaming has not been kind.

Sera Zanabanath