

Hello Adventurers,
Ive noticed that everyone seems to have their own spot to fill in our town. When we need food and shelter we look to miss sharp and Izz'Rak. When we need law, we look to Sheriff Fern. This is just me trying to fill my own little niche. While we were at the castle, By chance or by volunteer, I ended up on missions that involved much running. Not running away, but running for a goal, be it to carry a message or supplies. I realized that fits me just fine, as I am not the strongest fighter, the most intelligent scholar, or the most skillful artisan. Due to these facts, whenever I am in town I would like to offer my services as a messenger/courier for any type of delivery, time-dependent, confidential, or even in the middle of a fight, circumstances allowing.

Thank You for your time,

There are often occasions that I need to send messages or find others. Seek me out the next market day and I may have some work for you.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Hello Deoman.
I may have a note or two for you.
Im glad you found something to do that has purpose.
I hope to also find something that has purpose.
If you ever need my help just ask, it is yours.
Your friend
You want to be runner Deoman? That sound good. Has much honor & weighty duty. Volpe's tribe, the Tanamashu, hold runners with much respect. Like towny Ambassodoors, though Volpe not sure they the same. But to the Tanamashu, runners bring news & important messages between tribe chiefs and all our people. Tanamashu even have taboo against killing runners while on duty - but enemies sometimes ignore and cause war. Also runners must never tell lies or be untrustworthy, penalty for that as a runner is death. This reason why being runner is special and dangerous job. Volpe wish you much luck & may you do your tribe much honor Deoman!

~ Volpe

Your fast, I think your smart enough to be discreet, how much to hold you on retainer?

Fern Woods
The price of my services has yet to be determined, though it will probably change much based on circumstances.
