Missing: Earth Guildsmen


Chicago Staff
[The following names are posted on various Earth Guild Chapter Houses across Terna]

Missing: Earthen Mages of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna. The following people have not reported for their duties, nor made contact in any way with the Guild. Any information on their whereabouts is highly appreciated.

Jerrod Delacruz
Jaimie Klingbeil
Walton Brott
Rebbeca Nowlin
Sherice Keitt
Zoraida Rourke
Wendy Dechant
Renate Quail
Parthenia Oba
Daren Cogdill
Ken Harbert
Hollis Scruton
Lilian Boles
Joannie Erdman
Shayla Stamp
Candyce Atherton
Ricky Midgett
Genevie Councill
Clemente Issac
Dwight Lafortne
Marna Berglund
Ching Keas
Grace Laduke
Olinda Threatt
Velva Cuyler
Randy Austria
Grayce Maker
Hans Bushee
Deloras Braswell
Marlin Kutcher
Mei Pellegrino
Vince Bohm
Sebastian Sebesta
Collene Rhoads
Alberto Pages
Cathey Fessenden
Pauletta Sikorski
Ashanti Bomgardner
Hedy Mcguirk
Nestor Kwok
Zula Rolls
William Ledezma
Danyel Lymon
Jackson Melius
Melva Doonan
Felicidad Dinapoli
Dusty Steverson
Mara Best
Dollie Yoon
Jone Hogl
Mo Desanto
German Kerby
Gregg Bolds
Verena Key
Ralph Speciale
Tish Sweet
Ed Pitchford
Darron Woolum
Lee Margulie
Deborah Mcbryde
Theresa Davey
Beau Mcnew
Marquerite Mcferrin
Lyndsay Lozoya
Teena Isler
Hung Hemmingway
Fumiko Delavega
Alleen Imler
An Maglio
Gavin Brixey
Beverley Lukowski
Enrique Nishida
Winona Fellows
Gracia Armer
Josephine Parkes
Rosia Huitt
Casie Hollenbeck
Mattie Vanmatre
Jamey Tremble
Una Talton
Nevda Banfield
Estefana Petrin
Floria Schindler
Karlene Maye
Shawanda Prout
Felice Dore
Fae Insley
Mica Sanchez
Sergio Forand
Veronika Stours
Starla Murff
Valene Reels
Shila Haman
Melia Ladner
Savanna Radley
Wilton Capasso
Marguerite Tenaglia
Lavern Desroches
Simona Cermak
Lucius Parman
Um... That's a LOT of people. Are they actually recorded missing from being gone for a long time, or did they just not show up for work today or something... Because if that many people just vanished, something strange is going on... Or the Earth Guild needs to keep better records...

No offense... Just... It's weird is all...

Librarian of the Fairfax Library
I can chime in on this one Keeper. They didn't go missing all at once, it was over the course of a month or two starting in April. We had a few go missing in Northshire, and then continuously throughout Terna. We haven't received messages or dreaming. Nor have any shown up in a circle. They simply are gone. We tried a few Whispering Winds on a few of them, and received no reply; in 1 case, the whisper didn't even go through. I wish we knew more, but we're absolutely perplexed.

- Master Kristoph Runebeard
Formal R&D Branch of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna