missing jacket


I left my jacket behind. It was on one of the coat pegs near the front door. It was a simple brown leather jacket and a purple shirt was with it. If anyone has seen it please let me know.

Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is your jacket and phone where retrieved by staff and are safely with JP and I. The only catch is it is currently with us in Corvallis, OR. Where do you live and how would you like to go about reacquiring it?
If Dave would like, since I am coming down to Corvallis tomorrow, I can pick it up for him and either give it to him personally or leave it with Tony Rains to get to him.
I will plan on dropping it off at Ancient Wonders then, probably on Friday since that is when I expect to be in Tualatin.
awesome! you guys are all rockstars. Thanks a ton, and I'll have tony tell me when they arrive.

Ninja Dave--