Missing Property

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks,

In all the hustle and bustle of packing up, some of my possessions that were scattered around got packed up with other people or NPC camp. I am missing the following, and would love to hear if anyone has them or if they were taken into NPC camp:
  • Equipment I lent to a new player, including a light brown shirt, long brown drawstring pants, fur arm cuffs, and a black torso suit of leather armor. He had to leave the event early, but left the equipment in NPC camp, so it probably ended up packed in there (I know Adam's NPC troll was wearing the armor at one point).
  • Gandian's gray wool hood, which I wore for a while before it was probably left in the tavern after it stopped raining.
  • A large, green, electric lantern. This may have been left in the "Andromeda" cabin.

Please let me know if any of the above were found, and with whom I may get them at another time (probably the next event).

Thanks a bunch,
~ Alexander
The fur I thought was Courtney's so I put it by her car.
I found the fur by my car and gave it to NPC camp.
Hey folks,

Any ideas on the whereabouts of my hood and lantern? It would really suck if those were lost or stolen...