Mist cave this weekend


Um, hi everyone, it's Tarqaq...

Um, I was hoping that this weekend that I could get some help attuning my arcane armor, since it's kinda big and would take some help to make it work. I haven't got any of my other items attuned either, but I figure if I can get this one through I'll be able to help out everyone a lot better. I probably don't need everyone to help out, but I'd consider it a favor if anyone could.

-Tarqaq the Fox
I think you might want to give your calendar keeper a swift nudge, as the next market day should be next weekend, that is unless my calendar keeper has collapsed of exhaustion as well.

- Tazoulti
hmmm... Tarqaq, I'd be glad to help out or attune one of your other items for you

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
Heya Taz,

I think he was just reffering to the weekend comming up. I''ve ordered goods from a special place and sourced a rare recipe for something special. I know he asked to have this done last marketday and it failed to be completed.


Can you offer folks a silver or two to get this done? I think most folks would jump at the chance for guaranteed money and helping someone out. I doubt you need more than 2-3.

Barring that, I'd try to speak to the folks you adventured with directly.

Allright, I better get my lazy chops moving here I have a meeting with Thorador for lunch at the Tavern. That's one dwarf that loves account sheets and sales records I tell you.

What?!? You haven't already employed Thorador as your accountant yet Fern? Be still my dwarven heart, I've found a Hobling that doesn't like doing proper business records - what is Hope's Reach coming too?

Tarqaq, is what Fern was blathering about, correct? Were you indeed referring to this upcoming market day rather than this weekend?

- Tazoulti Strongbeard

Blathering? Ouch and I do like my record keeping and a nice glass of wine but that man can do a number on your eyes.

Also, Thorador is a manager at the quarry already. I know a good investment when I see one. :)

Um, yea... I was referring to next weekend... I'm blaming the grammar fairy for that...

Anyways, if anyone really wants to get paid for helping out, I could probably swing a few silvers each... though that would add up quickly, which is why I'm hoping people would help out just 'cause they're really nice, and 'cause I offered to do them a favor as well. I could bring candy too, if anyone doesn't mind being paid in sweets :) .
Sure Tarqaq, I'll tag along. And since I'm your friend & obviously not a profiteering fellow (or a hobling), it'll be no charge.

Fern, I'd call including "I''ve ordered goods from a special place and sourced a rare recipe for something special. I know he asked to have this done last marketday and it failed to be completed." to your short explanation, blathering alright. Do you shout "Stop! Or I'll say Stop again!" every time you try to catch a criminal as well?

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith & Guardian of Hope's Reach
Last time I saw fern tell a criminal to stop and they did not follow his orders, he chased them down and took them out quite quickly.

Thanks Novi,

I did indeed actually say "stop or I'll say stop again!" before beating him down.


I would be glad to stand with you in battle to attune your item! Seek me out before you go and my sword arm is yours!

Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
Guardian of Hope's Reach
Tarqaq, I must ask, were you successful this time? I remember last time didn't go over so well.

I hope that you were successful.
