Mistwall Item Advice

Fellow Adventurers,

I've been warned that upon my arrival in the Sheltered Lands, that any magical trinkets not native to the lands do not work until their magic is "unlocked" through a trip to the "mistwall". I have an item that is spirit-locked to myself, that has quite a few healing effects, ranging from Cure Light Wounds thrice a day on the low end, to a Life spell on the high end, and multiples of each healing effect in between. It also holds my arcane armor. For those that know me, these are the "Healing Pants of Healing" I joke about. Would it be an effective use of our resources to get this item made active? If so - who might be able to help me accomplish this? Please let me know, as I seek your counsel on the matter, as I do not want to strain resources.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
Indeed, the Mists of the Sheltered Lands do suppress the magic of other lands. Assuming I am able, I would be glad to accompany you to attempt to attune such a useful pair of pants, though I do not think it will be easy to do so. The Mist Caverns that you must venture into in order to attune the magic will test you and any who come with you according to the strength of the item, and these pants certainly will not be easy to attune given the range of their power. Regardless, I will come with you, and I'm sure others would join us.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Healing is a wonderful thing, and I'd be more than happy to accompany you through the caves. I'm not terribly skilled, but if you'd have me, I'd gladly follow.
Jonathan Darin.
from what i've heard from others the mist caves are quite a challege and i should explore one as well for i also need to unlock magic item that i have as well.

Iz dhat why my loin cloth not protect me here? It is as it was when ice lizard ate dhe magics from it ... does dhis land eat dhe magics from everybody?
My last venture to the mysts caves was to empower a pair of pants. I figure since it was successful why not go again. If you are looking for additional help and see me around, this item seems like it could prove very beneficial for our dangerous fortnights.

Marsters, I would highly recommend gathering the strongest of adventurers for this task, as I have been through the caves for Gandian to answer a question about a location of someone, and we failed. What you ask for is most likely far from easy. I cannot lend my assistance as I have a smaller item to attune myself.

-D'rezz Zandrick Roiyaru
remember, people can only go into these caves once in a market day

drezz, if you're lookin for help, i think i know a couple people who would be willing to get your back

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far

If you have an item to attune or are willing to help attune one, please contact me privately so I can try to arrange groups. Any item with defensive capability like an armor or healing abilites gets my priority.


Your going to need to tell me what all the "healing pants of healing" do and how long they last. I am willing to concentrate on brining these pants in but you will need to follow instructions and be willing to subject yourself to a bit of discomfort.


Can you let me know what your bringing in? If it can wait until saturday we can go together.

Anonymous person who manages not to sign her dreamrealm postings,

Let me know how long your arcane lasts and how big it is. If we can't get you in, I can loan you some armor.

If anyone else needs an item put in, let me know so I can try to organize as many people as possible to go. No reason for any of these missions to fail... ever.

I as well have something I wish to attune, but it can wait for a later date. Brother Eric's pants are more important.

~ Gandian Ravencroft