mod day

If it's just a mod-day, you'd have to request one from plot with a list of PC's to attend and NPC's. If you're looking for a game day, your guess is as good as mine.
A mod day needs to be specifically requested as Brad said. Game days are not happening due to lack of attendance at them. If we get some indication that players are wanting them and will attend them, I will be happy to see them get going again.
Part of the recurring problem for Game Days, in particular, is the ever-present affliction for gamers, in general. I speak of, of course, 'flaking.' People say they'll go, others make plans to go, then a cascading effect of "Oh, nevermind, I'm busy afterall" occurs, which then results in 2 or 3 people showing up.

If a good number of people were to make a concerted effort in showing up for game days again, I imagine we'd see them happening more often, which would have the added effect of increasing attendance because of that, and thus increased interest in others.

In short:
Less people go, less people are interested.
More people go, more people are interested.

You can't have too many people at a game day, really, thus the only detrimental effect is when people keep not going. Plus, it's free money for the chapter, which goes to improving events, props, monster camp, etc.

So, yeah. Game days are good. If people actually show.
Brad Lewis said:
Part of the recurring problem for Game Days, in particular, is the ever-present affliction for gamers, in general. I speak of, of course, 'flaking.' People say they'll go, others make plans to go, then a cascading effect of "Oh, nevermind, I'm busy afterall" occurs, which then results in 2 or 3 people showing up.

If a good number of people were to make a concerted effort in showing up for game days again, I imagine we'd see them happening more often, which would have the added effect of increasing attendance because of that, and thus increased interest in others.

In short:
Less people go, less people are interested.
More people go, more people are interested.

You can't have too many people at a game day, really, thus the only detrimental effect is when people keep not going. Plus, it's free money for the chapter, which goes to improving events, props, monster camp, etc.

So, yeah. Game days are good. If people actually show.

Yep more people show up, then more people keep showing up. At one point we had gamedays with 14 players and 6+NPCs and we could have had more.
Well, as a game day would be nice I understand why they are not being held. I am just looking for a time to get a teacher tag or two before he next event.

I believe a teacher tag is only available each blanket, thus as a mod would be a half blanket, you'd need two mods for a teacher tag. Or a single game day. My suggestion would be to push for a concerted attendance to a game day or three over the next few months to get interest up in them again.

I'd start a poll for several dates on when people would be able to show up and be interested in going to a game day.... BUT, I won't think to speak for plot/staff on their availability. I'd just suggest to people to pay attention to when they have options to run a game or two and take full advantage of them. Playing in the sun is much better than playing in the rain, come Fall.

I know that I won't be able to make it to an event until October at the earliest, so I'm pretty interested in game days.