Mod Teams

Robb G


I'm putting together a big write up for the newsletter and I want to know who went on the following mods:

1) trap mod 1
a) Larien
b) Landiara
c) Ravana
d) Loken
e) Ikmoqs
f) Bjorn

2) trap mod 2
a) Baron Rorii
b) Dame Darlassia
c) Sir Ignatious
d) Dame Aven
e) Sir Daniel
f) ??? <-- was this natalia or gwen maybe??

3) trap mod 3
a) Baron Harrison
b) Sir Ulthoc
c) Kialda Loa
d) Rowan
e) ???
f) ???

4) Gwendolyn's rebirth
a) Sir Ignatious
b) ???
c) ???
d) ???
e) ???
f) ???

5) Tomb of Linos (last battle)
a) half the fricken town :)
Robb, I have many notes on these happenings if you would like any sort of help! I was tasked IG to make a write up about the tombs and send it to Aven. (As soon as she responds to my PM about how she wants me to contact her, I'll get to work on it.)

I can add a few more people to your list:

3) trap mod 3
a) Baron Harrison
b) Sir Ulthoc
c) Kialda Loa
d) Rowan
e) Drifa
f) Deg (I think that's his name - the new Hobbling! :D )

4) Gwendolyn's rebirth
a) Sir Ignatious
b) Aubrey (she showed up for the scene at the end of it, at least?)
c) Flint (I think)
d) ???
e) ???
f) ???
Was on the rebirth mod (that's the one that was in the crypt that Mich was the hook for that was run under the tavern right?) so was the new rom Vicktor, can't recall the final person at this time, may have been Lanna but can't say for sure

KialdaLoa said:
3) trap mod 3
a) Baron Harrison
b) Sir Ulthoc
c) Kialda Loa
d) Rowan
e) Drifa
f) Deg (I think that's his name - the new Hobbling! :D )

Farhildegrim Flambard Marmidas!

Or Deg for short :thumbsup: