"Monarchs and Monsters" -- Plot Teaser


Monarchs and Monsters -- PLOT TEASER:

“War is upon us. . . We’ve all made unexpected allies, Or’Tesh united with Dorn, Na’Azul united with the Outside world, Meardras united with Cetra. . . Who can say the unexpected paths we might take soon.”
-Bin Almari Kal, Na’Azul record keeper.

At The Plateau of Crowns, the war is already raging, Dockton is in chaos and the Steward is nowhere to be found. The entire district is alight with the flame of revolution. Mobs run through the streets with torches, setting literal flame to any of the Empress’ propaganda.

Posters pasted to walls; “Deny Magic, Embrace Goodness”, “Clean, pure living, Magic free”, “Raise your family here, renounce magic”, “Remember, inform your local Judge if you suspect your neighbor of using magic!” all burn like any other ordinary bit of trash. Along many walls. “Dockton is a free District” is painted in red paint. Signs with Judges drawn on them are defaced.

Roads are barricaded, preventing movement on main highways and The Road that leads through all Districts. Passport checkpoints have become gates preventing mass movement of outside troops into Dockton from higher districts.

It is a bloody battle that is raging there, if only there were some brave spirits who could turn the tide...