More Discoveries Needed


Chicago Staff

To those that assisted with collecting Prismatic Clams for me, thank you. I know those waters were quite cold and inhabited by dangerous sharks but you were able to bring back the 10 required. The amount of Jetsam harvested from these will play a key role in a ritual I will be conducting, however I need a particular scrying focus as the next step.

Somewhere along the Eastern Coast lies a gargantuan clam that is said to house a large pearl. Yes, I know clams don't make pearls but that's what the rumors said. I have been trying to find it's location with no luck. If anyone happens to be in Atish and can ask merchants or sailors about any rumors to narrow the search, that would be appreciated. Even better if you could locate the source within the next 2 months.

I promise this discovery will be worth your time.

- Anivia Amberheart, The Tempest

[OOG- If you'd like to assist with finding this giant clam you may include it as your primary action IBGA]
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Aramis and Tuli,

I thank you both again for your visit. After our talk I had a bit of a revelation. I believe I know of the Giant Clam's location. If you could gather 6 others with you I will perform the Aquatic Adaptation Ritual allowing you to retrieve it.

If successful we may actually be able to pierce the storm surrounding Gavaria!
- Anivia Amberheart, The Tempest