

Hey PCs! We would like to create a mugshot book for use in Monster Camp, to help NPCs identify specific characters that they're not personally familiar with. If you'd be willing to assist with this, please head over to Monster Camp in your spare time, and we'll snap a quick photo. These photos will only be used for this purpose, and no other. They will never be uploaded online. Not to Facebook, not to the forums, or anywhere else.

Thank you!
I'm down.
I am Spartacus!
Sounds like a great idea to me.
Well, Edarius hasn't been around long or gained much notoriety but I'd be down to provide monster camp with Edarius's mug shot. That's if the event is still going to be happening considering we're getting a double dose of hurricanes on the coast right now.
As an NPC I think this is a great idea. When I do start playing (being a PC), I look forward to getting my mug shot.