Mushroom Hallow


Public Relations Committee
To all in and around Mushroom Hallow,

Do not go near the Hallow and avoid the land. I place this warning in the dream.

Lady FallingStar
Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
Is it possible your alledged spirit bottle is in Mushroom Hollow?

You must know, adventurers by and large will push the button, attack the lich, tickle the dragon, and ward the biata....


I am fully aware of what some of our community will do, but, the warning was not just for adventurers. It is for all. Avoid the Hallow .

Lady FallingStar
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Wait so Gnot just confirmed that Lady Fallingstar is a Liche, can we get some guardians to deal with her?

Georgie a simple peasant
Don't liches also have skeletal bodies? Or at least look undead? I don't remember Liddia looking very undead, but appearances can be deceiving. Her teeth were really sharp, maybe she's a vampire? Or maybe she's a lich with a really good suit made of skin?

Liddia, are you actually undead? I don't know how the Earth and Necromancy stuff works, maybe we should just heal her a bunch... But then she might have a Reversed Lifeforce... I'm thinking too hard again, someone else find out what's going on, I have books to read and magic to practice.

-Keeper, the Librarian.
Geogie, Keeper,

Please disregard Gnot's inappropriate behavior towardz LADY Fallingstar. I kin asurez you zat she is neither undead not spirit bottled.

Before you believe a rumor such az thiz one. Perhaps take stock and remember zat no matter where in Briarpass you live, Lady Liddia Fallingstar haz been of aid to you since as far back as the Stonebiter/Rockfist Insurection. If you live in Buckland, or Arcland she haz fought for your rights to be free of slavery. If you call Tympany home she haz been zee bastion of freedom zat defended zee Biata Freehold. If you hail from Eastland, Westland, or anywhere near zee eastern border of our capital, she daily shunts war away from your homes as an envoy to zee Ternian Empire. And if you come from zee lands of Southfield, or Targozia, remember zat she bled long and deep to help you make your escape from zee vampire's forces...she shielded your exodus along vith a dozen others whom seldom receive thanks.

I thus please, beg you, apply some thought to rumors before repeating zhem and calling for zee death of your defenders. Do not allow one persons joking wordz to sway your mind so easily. Think for yourself, many of died to protect zat right.


Jehan T Wyldweaver
I mean... I wasn't gonna say we kill Liddia... That seems to be taking what I said out of context... She's been nice to me and I don't want her to die... I was trying to tell Georgie that she didn't look undead... But I guess if you say she's not undead I'll believe you. Joking tones don't really transfer very well into the dreams... It's kinda hard to understand the meaning of words if they're put that way, besides. I think everything just got taken out of context, first by Gnot, then by Georgie, then by me, then less so by you Jehan.

Sorry Liddia, I didn't mean to offend you, I'll stay away from the Mushroom Hallow and I'll tell people to stay away from the Hallow as well.


-Keeper, the Librarian.
Sorry Keeper, bad editing on my part...I meant to remove your name.

You are very right zat some people love to take out of context references and run wild vith them... zis must stop.

No offense intended to you.

Jehan W
Lady FallingStar is in fact, not a Lich. Please do not spread rumors of the nobility being Undead Abominations. The Guardians of the Light will only act upon solid evidence.

Baron Eren Davis of Fairfax
Master of The Guardians of the Light branch of the Earth Guild.