Mushroom Soup


Chicago Staff
I had heard rumors of a group of housewives who had claimed their mushroom soup was the best in the land. Rumors that they would offer something if anyone had a better recipe. Although there are still things from before the "Great Sleep" that I don't remember, my recipe for mushroom soup was one that simply can't be forgotten. I searched for those housewives, and while I found out the rumor to be true, it seemed they did not want to reveal themselves. So I'm inviting those house wives, who seek a mushroom soup recipe above their own, to head over to the tavern Saturday night, where I will have a giant pot of my mushroom soup, waiting and available for consumption.

Comrades, townsfolk, kobolds and strangers alike are free to enjoy this soup, at no charge. So, to all those with hungry bellies, I welcome you to try Asher's Cream of Chicken Wild Rice Soup. For those with allergies, I have been informed and will post the ingredients along side the pot.

May the seasons treat you well, and your bellies be full!

- Asher
It sounds so good... but I hate mushrooms... But the chicken... and the rice...

~Brother Icey
Asher, you seemed like such a reasonable tree, so I have to ask, What in Gaden caused you to extend this invitation to kobolds?
While people step on these creatures, treat them ill, I see potential. I see a race that has the potential to grow into that which is labeled sentient. Each market day I try to push Kobolds to greatness, to better themselves and remove the stereotype of "fodder" they have been labeled as. As a scholar I feel it is my duty to educate and push them on the path to bettering themselves.

That is why I have extended the invite to those Kobolds which I have made friends with over the year. I see nothing but greatness for this race, maybe not in the near future but many many seasons from now.

Asher. I support you in your kobold endeavors with my whole heart. Wanton slaughter is something I am always against. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

I understand not slaughtering, but the only thing I have ever seen from a kobold is thievery. Inviting them into the tavern makes me want to keep my stuff in the earth circle.

Thievery? You have missed many market days Deoman, as I have yet to witness any Kobold in Hopes Reach stealing. If it does make you feel at ease, the earth circle is a solid place to store valuables...though it isn't a vault.

We shall see what this market day brings. I will see you all soon,

Yeah, the kobolds have been keeping their hands to themselves lately. Although I was knocked unconscious last market day very early in the morning and have reason to believe a Kobold did it as I believe Gearfree lacks the ability to knock people unconscious. Nothing was missing though, so no harm no foul.
It was unfortunate these wives couldn't make it down to the Tavern this last market day to taste the soup. At least the town seemed to enjoy it, after the long expedition into the forge.

Volpe like Ashers' soup. Make more, maybe wives will come later. if not, Volpe & other townspeople will be glad to eat what they miss.
