Musical Gypsies/Songs for Gaden


So, I noticed we had a lot of gypsies this last event, musical ones at that. My character isn't a gypsy but she's very gypsy-friendly. I'm just wondering if there would be any interest in hanging out and working on practicing some songs to bring to game- or getting a list going of ones that would be fun to do so other people can learn them beforehand and join in if they'd like.

-Crystal (Alyce)
Gah! I forgot to add that to my top ten. It definitely made the atmosphere extremely real, good job all ye Gypsies!
Hi, if you're talking about Bronson and Natalia, I'm currently in the process of talking them into coming back for another event. Chances are they'll end up NPCs, but I did mention your request to them.

I would love to work on some songs for next time - coming in as a first time player, I kindof expected that I would have to know some folktunes. Right now Markov only knows Irish and African Folk however. These songs include Gaelic Storm's "Johnny Jump Up" - A drinking song, "Tell Me ma" - a Northern Irish children's song. "Scalliwag" - another Gaelic Storm song about running away with gypsies. and "Chant of the Island" - an Aborigini (I apologize for my heinous spelling) chant.

Also, I would like to apologize that I got a little nervous on the singing part, it being my first time singing in character, and I forgot parts of the aforementioned songs I had memorized. Hopefully, it will come a lot easier if we have other people singing - and now that I know how awesome everyone is. :) That should help the stagefright a little. To the other gypsies, you were wonderful! the Improv was way fun!

Oh heavens, I'd love to. I never feel like I can practice my penny whistle without bothering my roomies. And I feel like I at least half know a ton, and would love to learn a ton more!!!! This would be soooooo cooool.
I(Tork) would love to get together out of game and learn a few songs to preform and hit my djembe during. I think we should learn a couple songs that can be sung in round so they are easy enough for anyone to pick up on and join in. We just need a good time to get together, how does the weekend before the banquet sound, does either Saturday or Sunday work for people?
To me this adds a bit of realism and fun to the game. I remember walking by the gypsies in the Tavern on Friday night and thinking how cool it was.

If I ever play my other character (over the level cap) or start a new character more musically inclined, I will have to join you guys.

Now I am regretting not playing my gypsy last event and the fact that I wont be playing her in gaden till next year. But I think it would be a good time to be a gypsy. Specially one who loves to sing. You'll have to update me on the songs you pick so i can sing along ^_^
Nope, just have Novi talk quietly to one of them, it gets them quiet quickly.
Terrel said:
So I guess that means I have to have silence spells whenever I intend to eat at the tavern right?

Hey, if either of you wants to offend someone who sometimes serves your meals by all means, express your displeasure.
Alchemists for silence gas... its a new group i'm forming. :)
I am in full support of this.
I'm with Andrew on this one. I'm going to need to get some silence spells.
Well, I was unfortunately unable to meet anyone the week before the November event, but if we do want to start learning good "hop in anywhere" tavern songs, I will look into some some. Maybe scottish/irish drinking tunes.