

Okay, time to step in it.

Please send me a private message with your facebook attached email address if you are:

a) musically inclined
b) want to join a facebook group for music lovers in Icenia/Barran/Some other place I don't know but want to play with us crazy people.

The purpose of this group will be to talk about music that we would like to be able to play at site and coordinate possible events.

Ownership and plot can contact me if they are interested in adding polite and constructive input.

Joe Siegel
Heya, not an owner or on plot with the Ashbury HQ campaign but could you please explain your last sentence there?

Cause were I in one of those groups I'd be kinda offended by that.

Where I CAN speak for Ownership and Plot without fear of contradiction is in support of anything that supports the IG atmosphere, especially if led by talented/motivated players. I honestly support your efforts here and hope that you can make this happen, but your closing remarks can be construed as extremely offensive by those that work what amounts to a full time job for no pay and for you.
Well thanks for the support first off.

My hesitancy is in things like your desire to demand explanations off the bat, as if you are looking for something bad to read into the posting. Here is why I say that:

I anticipate that allot of music that would be discussed and worked on will be historical in many ways. But the thing is that music comes from different periods and backgrounds. Also allot of lyrics in old fashioned music have themes that this game can just barely handle. While I realize it is best to be mindful of it, I am really not interested in making a forum where we can ask permission to do things. I am assuming that we know what is appropriate, but on the off chance that we miss something so I suspect ownership might want to know what is going on. Also I figure plot might take some inspiration or get creative with this group if things take off. These are guesses and hopes none of which I have any evidence to support, mainly because nothing has happened yet.

However mainly I am doing this to allow the people who like to play music, many of whom are far more skilled than myself, to be able to play together. I hope I will find interest amongst the community here as I have had the chance to play with many people from many chapters, and I think there is definitely something to be added.

Joe Siegel
I'm not looking for anything, good or bad, to read into the post. You were very clear that Ownership and Plot should only contact you if they were willing to be polite and constructive. That's not reading into something, that's just reading. I suppose my hackles got raised because your request isn't polite or constructive.

I don't think you need to worry, we're aware a lot of old songs were of a ribald or religious nature. Ribald is fine as long as it's not about **** and religious songs are not permitted, period. There's also historical patriotic music, which I believe you were playing in the tavern last event. This is fine, though my preference would be that it be kept to very obscure tunes. God Save the Queen and Stars and Stripes Forever might be a bit distracting. This hasn't been a real issue in the past and am sure it's not actually going to become one. Everyone knows the rules regarding acceptible content and I've heard people change the lyrics to hymns to make them non religious in the past and personally have no issue with people doing that and using the tunes IG.