Hey Everybody,
So, we're a little more than a month out from the May event, and if you haven't read the teaser yet, it's going to be pretty MWE heavy.
With that in mind, if you are planning on attending, PLEASE let me know in advance, even if you can't do the full logistics ahead of time. Please indicate whether your character is an HQ Child of Camulous or from another chapter, and if you don't have a character history on file with us (for your home chapter) send it on in.
So, we're a little more than a month out from the May event, and if you haven't read the teaser yet, it's going to be pretty MWE heavy.
With that in mind, if you are planning on attending, PLEASE let me know in advance, even if you can't do the full logistics ahead of time. Please indicate whether your character is an HQ Child of Camulous or from another chapter, and if you don't have a character history on file with us (for your home chapter) send it on in.