My 15 minutes of fame

Aww they misspelled your name!

Jokes aside man, everything ok?
Sorry Marcena thats supposed to be sarcastic. BTW my real name is William Mullally.

Health wise everyone got out okay including the cats. Personally I'm down 1 fridge, 1 dining room table, 1bed, and several articles of clothes. Before anyone asks, no renters insurance. I'm back at my Moms and will be there saving money to get abck out to new apartment.


PS all my Nero stuff is A OK
Well at least the important stuff's ok William :)

Naw seriously, the important thing is that you weren't injured and you've got a place to stay for now.

Best of Luck Buddy!

I don't see how you could possibly DJ after an experience like that. You should come to HQ to PC instead. :D

LOL Scott

LARPing seriously came to mind and i was gonna ask for me to whoop some fire elementals but Djing puts $60 in my pocket towards a new bed.
Lemme Take a Look in my storage unit, I may have a kitchen table

Shouldn't the title of this thread be:

My 15 Minutes of Flame