My First Resurrection Story


So, I was thinking, hopefully I'll never need it, but I thought maybe I'd write a resurrection story in case I'm ever needed to help guide people back. I know how scary and dark it can be as a spirit and I think maybe the right story could really help some folks. Does anyone who knows better have a couple of good hints as to what should be in the story, maybe even someone who has come back and remembers a story that helped them?

If I'm stepping on any toes because I'm not in the earth circle guards guild let me know...I don't wanna cause any problems...just help maybe?


I find it hard to tell someone a general story to guide them back. I feel it's more pleasant and helpful to tailor the story to the recipient. Find something about that person you know, a story of adventurers past, perhaps something they told you they did, or even something personal. I have never had a spirit come back without being happy when I've told a resurrection story, and I've told almost a dozen unfortunately.

I will give some examples of what I mean, perhaps they will help those who wish to tailor their own story, to those who have fallen. I will not use their names, for sometimes they wish this information private.

Oliver- He told me he was helping a farmer and wife all winter. So I tailored a story about him helping a family along a riverbank, where the mother was terribly ill. He nursed her back to health, and when she awoke, she made him awaken.

Rupert- He fell in battle against the corrupt. I gave him a story about him laying in an open field. One by one silhouettes appeared in the shapes of comrades reaching out to him. After half a dozen of his closest comrades reached out to him he excepted their hands and was pulled back to the material plane.

I tailor it to them, and then when I bring them back I have that event breach the story and the real world. I make sure that transition is eased into in order to not upset the spirit.

Finally, even a guided resurrection can have dire effects if not done with care. I only told a few people this story when I was a Dryad, as the thought of it haunted me each and everyday. However, I now feel comfortable telling this story that was told to me upon my last resurrection. I will not tell it here, but if you truly wish to hear it, seek me out, and I will share that...torture.
