As Scribe to Baron Fairfax, please allow me to read off the below. Excuse the slow, lack of accent talk, I want to make sure it's all correct:
The laws of Wayside apply to all citizens of the Kingdom, including any member of the fifteen protected
races who maintains a permanent residence within the borders of Wayside. The protected races are:
Barbarians, Biata, Dark Elves, Dryads, Dwarves, Elves, Selunari, High Orcs, High Ogres, Hoblings,
Humans, Mystic Wood Elves, Sarr, Stone Elves, and Wylderkin.
Enforcement of these laws falls under the purview of the nobility of Wayside, or of any officers the nobles
appoint to keep the peace. Such officers may include local magistrates, sheriffs, justices, or the deputies of
any such officers. An officer of the law may choose to hold a trial if he sees fit, but it is not required and not
typically expected for crimes committed by commoners. Any charges made against a member of the nobility
must be brought by a noble of at least equal rank, and a trial must be held by a noble of superior rank. Any
commoner who believes a member of the nobility has committed a crime may request audience with a noble
of equal or greater rank to said noble. The ranking official who holds jurisdiction over the area in which a
violation occurs shall be responsible for conducting a trial if necessary, determining the sentence, and
carrying out the punishment for any citizen accused of any of the following crimes:
Murder is intentionally causing the death of another citizen to the point of resurrection, with malice and
premeditation. The penalty for murder is resurrection. For cases in which intent is not immediately evident, a
suspect can be tried instead for involuntary or negligent homicide, which shall carry a penalty entirely at the
discretion of the local magistrate or highestranking law enforcement official.
Assault is causing bodily harm to another citizen of Wayside. The severity of the punishment for assault
shall be dependent on the severity of the offense.
Theft is the appropriation of any items or valuables which are the legal property of another citizen.
Treason is any action which is intended egregiously to harm the kingdom of Wayside, and/or to directly aid
Wayside's enemies. The minimum penalty for treason is resurrection.
Sedition is any speech intended to incite people to acts of riot or rebellion against Wayside, any of its
duchies, or any of the nobility of Wayside or its provinces.
Necromancy is the use of any magic which calls upon Chaos as its source, including magics cast from
memory or from magical items, or creation of potions imbued with the power of such magics.
Unsanctioned ritual magics:All necromantic rituals, or Earth/Chaos rituals cast with the necromantic
aspect are strictly prohibited. Any formalist wishing to cast a ritual must obtain prior approval from the
appropriate Guild. Additionally, citizens are not permitted to use the Waystone network to enter the private
property of another citizen, or property controlled by a member of the nobility, without consent of the
Waystone’s owner.
Slavery is to force an individual to work against his or her will without compensation. It is unlawful to place a
free person into slavery, or to exchange a member of the civilized races to another party for goods or
services against the will of the victim.
Possession of Illegal Alchemical Substances of Greater Command, including Amnesia, Enslavement,
and Euphoria, is against the law. Possession of such elixirs carries a minor penalty whereas using them
maliciously against another person typically carries a much harsher penalty.
Disrespect to nobility: Offenses against the dignity of a member of the nobility, including insulting a noble,
speaking disrespectfully to a noble, or otherwise conducting oneself in an uncouth manner in the presence
of a noble, may incur a misdemeanor charge with a minor punishment at the discretion of the enforcing
officer. More serious offenses, including perjury (lying to a noble in a way which obstructs their duties) and
slander (speaking ill of a noble with the intent to cause harm to their reputation) may incur a more severe
sentence, at the discretion of the enforcing officer.
- Gregory Renaldo Binks III
Baronial Scribe to Baron Foss Fairfax