My minds a mess


Those who have been with me from the beginning know my tribulations with emotions. I don't have control over them and seem to get myself in Trouble more than not.
I need to regress a little a take the edge off. I need a trusted stone elf to help me with this.

The brotherhood
How about you and i sit down and have a chat about how to come better into your mystic form. I am willing to help you learn how to cope and understand better. I may know a thing or two about controlling passionate emotions.

I have a few other methods we should try first before mental manipulation should be attempted.

I'm hoping you understand that your actions in Dragonsreach will probably still merit restitution to those you waylaid. No matter what further actions you take to steady your mind, crime was still committed.

-Joseph Smith
Joseph I'm not sure what to take from your statement as I did not do any such actions. I abide by my own actions because laws of the land are a form of slavery in my mind. But you accuse me of harming someone that merits punishment. Why did you not being this to someone's attention in dragons reach as such things have no recourse in others.

The brotherhood
My apologies, Pyke.

I took your dreaming to mean that you were feeling guilty about your crimes in Dragonreach, but if you are unrepentant that's interesting too. I want to disambiguate: I am not hunting you, or seeking to "bring you to justice" as Laws do not transfer from land to land. You should know that for violating Dragonsreach's laws repeatedly, you were being sought by the populace at great length. I merely witnessed the hunt, then mistook your dreaming as repentance. I wished you to know that your repentance would not shield you from justice-seekers. Some people believe that should be the case, that guilt is punishment enough.

It's interesting that you propose Laws of the Land to be a form of slavery. While I suppose if one were to mandate egregious behavior, "kill all of a certain race", for example that would be true, societies require laws in order to establish normality. Those that refuse to exist by some semblance of the same code as others is bound to end up the subject of punishment eventually. Do you have a personal code, or do you prefer to live without any moral compass to guide your actions?


I personally spoke to several people you tossed magic at without care within the Tavern Saturday late night when a group of the more seasoned adventures had left to deal with a situation.

You waylayed my son Taios - as well as poped several others spell defenses and at times actually harmed them.

While I did not witness all of this, those that approached me spoke in Ernest and it was brought to local nobility as soon as they were available and was mentioned to one of the heads of your guild .

I have no idea what will come of it but your actions if true, will need to be addressed.

Pyke I hope your emotions are balanced soon...I worry about you as they are now.


Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
Those actions were with no harm intended and was playful banter back and forth. As for your son he was not waylaid.
If one cannot enjoy playing games with others then life is too serious for adventuring.
I will state it as fact for myself. I abide by no laws of no man but my own. I may take accord with others but if they believe they have a right over me because who they are they are wrong. It's slavery.
I will follow those I know to be better suited for jobs and tasks and do what is asked of me because I know their intentions. Laws of some lands are not of what others are and I learned very young laws mean nothing when they can't be enforced.
If anyone thinks they have a right to punish me I will listen to their side and see what they have to say but if the story is just hearsay and not proof of a real crime I will ask that they apologized and make sure they take back all the slander that has gone out.

The brotherhood
Pyke -

I hope what you say is true.


Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
Perhaps it is a good time to ask what kind of reciprocal treaties are in place between the Kingdoms of Wayside and Dragonsreach. I cannot speak to the validity of accusations against Goodman Pyke, but, in general, I would like to know what responsibilities the Lords of Wayside, and their relative vassals and small folk, have in regards to Dragonsreach' fugitives or criminals.

As commerce and travel is heavy between these kingdoms, it seems an important point of order.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
There are absolutely no treaties in place between the two kingdoms. Attempts were made but the reality is it is not possible nor wanted by both sides.

I do not believe there was any indication of anyone coming across the mists to deal with this just that Joseph wished him to know that there may be issue upon his next visit to Dragonreach.

Also I do not believe Pyke is a citizen of Dragonreach or Wayside but Eloria if I am not mistaken.

As I said none of matters as it is not going to be handled outside of kingdom .


Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
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If I have done something to someone in dragons reach I will talk to them and figure it out. As for the kingdom of wayside I come to help and will not blatantly attack any adventure. I tend to play alot more than when I was a stone elf and this has gotten me in squabbles with some but never too a point of murder

The brotherhood
Pyke -

I have complete faith in you and hope once your mind settles you will see thinks more clearly.


Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
Goodman Pyke,

Your business is certainly your own, and I would remove neither your freedom to pursue that business nor the repercussions upon your shoulders from that business. While, I fully disagree with your interpretation of Law and feel you diminish both the culture and the people by reducing it to "what can be enforced", I am not your liege lord, kin, or fellow, and am unaffected by your proclamations.

That being said, speaking to open rebellion, or at the least promoting anarchy, against the lords of Wayside seems ill-advised. I suspect they feel their rights to maintain, establish, and execute law is well-enshrined in not only the positions they earned in support of the Crown but in their actions in defense of these lands and its people.

However, as my original inquiry into the relationship between the kingdoms of Wayside and Dragonreach has been answered, I will retire. As you seem to be an adventurer, I wish you all the best of luck in your career and hope you profit by it.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove

I sound as this issue is more serious then i first believed. However do not think I will be at this next or the next gathering. Please come and see me after the gathering.


Well I will do my best to see you after the gathering to hope to get sound advice.

The brotherhood

Let me be perfectly clear. Break the Laws of Wayside and you will be punished.

Now, if you are unclear of the Laws of Wayside and would like to be educated on them. I will be more then accommodating and explain them to you, and to anyone else who may have questions about them.

Baron Foss Fairfax
Barron Foss

I have only read laws that have been enacted a decade ago. I'm sure more have came and gone.

I wish to know so I cannot use the old tale of I didn't know. I always want to do everything on my own accord and if that means doing what I believe right that's against your laws. By no means is this 'I will not abide by the laws just because.'

The brotherhood
As Scribe to Baron Fairfax, please allow me to read off the below. Excuse the slow, lack of accent talk, I want to make sure it's all correct:

The laws of Wayside apply to all citizens of the Kingdom, including any member of the fifteen protected
races who maintains a permanent residence within the borders of Wayside. The protected races are:
Barbarians, Biata, Dark Elves, Dryads, Dwarves, Elves, Selunari, High Orcs, High Ogres, Hoblings,
Humans, Mystic Wood Elves, Sarr, Stone Elves, and Wylderkin.

Enforcement of these laws falls under the purview of the nobility of Wayside, or of any officers the nobles
appoint to keep the peace. Such officers may include local magistrates, sheriffs, justices, or the deputies of
any such officers. An officer of the law may choose to hold a trial if he sees fit, but it is not required and not
typically expected for crimes committed by commoners. Any charges made against a member of the nobility
must be brought by a noble of at least equal rank, and a trial must be held by a noble of superior rank. Any
commoner who believes a member of the nobility has committed a crime may request audience with a noble
of equal or greater rank to said noble. The ranking official who holds jurisdiction over the area in which a
violation occurs shall be responsible for conducting a trial if necessary, determining the sentence, and
carrying out the punishment for any citizen accused of any of the following crimes:

Murder is intentionally causing the death of another citizen to the point of resurrection, with malice and
premeditation. The penalty for murder is resurrection. For cases in which intent is not immediately evident, a
suspect can be tried instead for involuntary or negligent homicide, which shall carry a penalty entirely at the
discretion of the local magistrate or highestranking law enforcement official.

Assault is causing bodily harm to another citizen of Wayside. The severity of the punishment for assault
shall be dependent on the severity of the offense.

Theft is the appropriation of any items or valuables which are the legal property of another citizen.

Treason is any action which is intended egregiously to harm the kingdom of Wayside, and/or to directly aid
Wayside's enemies. The minimum penalty for treason is resurrection.

Sedition is any speech intended to incite people to acts of riot or rebellion against Wayside, any of its
duchies, or any of the nobility of Wayside or its provinces.

Necromancy is the use of any magic which calls upon Chaos as its source, including magics cast from
memory or from magical items, or creation of potions imbued with the power of such magics.

Unsanctioned ritual magics:All necromantic rituals, or Earth/Chaos rituals cast with the necromantic
aspect are strictly prohibited. Any formalist wishing to cast a ritual must obtain prior approval from the
appropriate Guild. Additionally, citizens are not permitted to use the Waystone network to enter the private
property of another citizen, or property controlled by a member of the nobility, without consent of the
Waystone’s owner.

Slavery is to force an individual to work against his or her will without compensation. It is unlawful to place a
free person into slavery, or to exchange a member of the civilized races to another party for goods or
services against the will of the victim.

Possession of Illegal Alchemical Substances of Greater Command, including Amnesia, Enslavement,
and Euphoria, is against the law.
Possession of such elixirs carries a minor penalty whereas using them
maliciously against another person typically carries a much harsher penalty.

Disrespect to nobility:
Offenses against the dignity of a member of the nobility, including insulting a noble,
speaking disrespectfully to a noble, or otherwise conducting oneself in an uncouth manner in the presence
of a noble, may incur a misdemeanor charge with a minor punishment at the discretion of the enforcing
officer. More serious offenses, including perjury (lying to a noble in a way which obstructs their duties) and
slander (speaking ill of a noble with the intent to cause harm to their reputation) may incur a more severe
sentence, at the discretion of the enforcing officer.

- Gregory Renaldo Binks III
Baronial Scribe to Baron Foss Fairfax
Thank you Binks

Although I do not agree with some of these laws I will avoid such interactions that will become apparent of such disagreement. Mainly the freedom of speech. If I feel a noble is in the wrong and don't agree with a decision I can't talk against said noble. I will just keep to myself.

I have no nobles in mind as I write this and all whom I've met I will stand by their side I'm battle and listen to as I know cooperation in battle is imperative to the survival of adventures.

I seek only to better the relationship with other adventures as I may need to call upon them when danger is too much for myself.
I only started this dream with help in mind. The mind is a simple thing to mess up and having so many races and emotions I just wanted to seek a stone elf to help me not be so wild and wanting to joke around so much. These are the emotions that have gotten out of hand and seem to be out of line. "starts crying inconceivably"

The brotherhood.