My Vansir brothers and sisters -


- and all those who may be interested.

Icenia faces great hardship and we are all stretched thin. Times like this call for a good, old-fashioned drum circle. We need to reinvigorate ourselves in mind and body and spirit. Bring drums. Bring pots and pans if you must. Let's have us a fire. Let's dance. Let us, in this great time of loss and strife, remember all that is best.

I hope you will reach Fairedale well. I do not know what we will find, but I know we will find each other. Be safe.

-Squire Jovunn Rannveig
Herald, Court of Nordenn
Ram Tribe
Flaming Balls

This is an excellent idea. I believe it should be expanded to all instruments and musical talents so that everyone can come and enjoy the time we have together. Even if we get interrupted with whatever new monster wants to pop up and bother us I believe we should all definitely take the time and enjoy the company of all friends and just take it as a chance to remember why we keep fighting even when things become as difficult as they have been lately.

I truly cannot wait for this or to see everyone.

Be well,
My friend, I would love nothing more than for us all to come together in such a way. All are, of course, invited.