My Vansir brothers and sisters.


I'm calling out to you with a heart so heavy I feel like it's gonna' fall out of me.

You woke up this day in a world where we're the last of our valiant kin. Those of you who still walk, who still fight - you are the last.
The Arturan Bear is no more. He is free now - free of the golden chains and the false body he was bound in to hide his true self: the dragon Arturos.

Arturos freed us from our enslavement in Jotunheim. He gave us Jotun steel, he gave us freedom, and he gave us his love. He wore the faces of many of our great heroes and made sure we grew strong and that our numbers were never small.
He was kind. He was compassionate. For that, he was punished. Cursed. The dragons put him in the body of a great bear - a body whose only drive was to see every last Vansir as a spirit on the wind. But inside that body, there was still a dragon who loved us. A dragon whose love we need in the world and who's gonna' help protect us. So we made a decision.

We freed him. We freed the Arturan bear.

In exchange for our help, he offered what little compromise his body would allow: he used his magic to cut off the Reclaim from the rest of the world just long enough so that, for a time, every Vansir known to him was dead. And when every Vansir he knew of was dead, he was freed of his own slavery.

There are very few of us left, I think. Only those who were not in the Reclaim have survived. Those of us who were gave parts of our spirit to ensure that his plan worked.

I am sorry, my brothers. I am sorry, my sisters. We gave the lives of many to save so many more - for there are others who would have freed the bear and seen that every last one of us - every single Vansir in Fortannis - was ended. There are others who would have kept the only kind dragon we have ever known of away from us.

If you should ever find yourself in Tar Navaria, find Telokh Stonebear and his wife, Meenah. They travel these lands now, searching for any of our kin who have not heard the news.
If you should ever find yourself in Tar Navaria, find Count Ulthoc Crownsmith or me. If you have need of anything, we will give it freely.

We are the last, and we cannot be divided. By land and sky, fire and water, I will not allow it.

Until we meet, in this battle or the great one that comes after it.
In love and sorrow,

Dame Jovunn Rannveig of Jared.
Barony of Nordenn.
Ram tribe.

For the brethren you have lost, young squire, you have my deepest apologies.

Hunt for them. Eat the hearts of your prey for them.

And tell Fuzzie I'll stop by when I can, and share a deep mug of ale, and that song I know from Ragnar. And probably a good wrestle if my hollow bones are up to it.

- Captain Zehnyu Shanshi