Name Change

Jesse Grabowski

Hey folks,

Gather around the fire while Grandpa Jesse tells you a story...

When I was a kid, my mother used to read a great many books to me. One of my favorites was Peter Pan. When Tinker Bell (spoiler alert!) died by sacrificing herself so that Peter did not drink the poison, I was terribly saddened. Then on the next page, if you clapped hard enough, and showed enough joy, you could single handedly bring her back to life! So I clapped like a knucklehead and sure enough, on the next page, she sprung back into action! What a great story... all about the boy who never wanted to grow up.

When I was in my mid-late twenties, I would often play with my much younger brothers. We would play in the yard with boffers and I would create all sorts of silly stories for them to engage in. I played all of the NPCs of course. One day, my mother called me Peter Pan out of nowhere and I was immediately taken back to my childhood. I asked her why she called me that and she said you are like the boy who never wanted to grow up. She mentioned my comic book collection, my dungeons and dragons groups, my star wars and star trek addictions, my comic cons and ren faires, Larping, my willingness to play Pokemon with my younger brothers, and more... and I accepted and embraced the new moniker.

Then in my mid 40s, I purchased land for the larp. Diana and I decided we would call it not Larpland, but Neverland for the reasons stated above. Then, the many concerns came pouring in, not from one of you, but from several. The obvious connection being the Neverland Ranch owned by Michael Jackson. It sucks for me that he named it as such, as I have such a connection. I am sure he did as well.

Rather than worry about any negative feedback or worries from strangers and neighbors, we have decided to change the name from Neverland to Neverpeak Mountain. For those familiar with the Peter Pan geography, it is the largest and centralized mountain in Neverland. Since we play at 8,400 ft. elevation, this seems appropriate. In addition, "According to Peter Pan in Scarlet, when a child is on top of Neverpeak Mountain, he or she can see over anyone and anything and can see beyond belief." I'd like to think that our collective imaginations help us all to see beyond belief.

Welcome to Neverpeak Mountain.
Aww, I love it. <3 It's perfect.
Love it!!!