National board


Anyone else unable to log in and post? At the bottom where it lists users online I'm listed, and every time I try to login, I get the "you have successfully logged in" screne, but when it goes back to the main board index and try to post, it makes me log in again, infinitely (so far anyway). I'm starting to think Matt's right, c'est merde!
Clear your cookies, there's a link to that at the bottom. Had the same issue a few days back.
I have that problem, but I'm not sure if they just pre-emptively rebanned my computer id or something or if it's the boards.

Yup, it was those dang cookies doing it to me. Get me every time. Thanks! Now I can go rant about gaseous as a player spell *shudder*.
Experience causing that shudder there?
Not gassy, gaseous!

And no, more like the thought of all the headaches it already causes when a few vampires come out to play as far as suspension of disbelief, not being able to visually tell what would be something very visually obvious IG, gaseous players walking through trapped areas setting off traps without setting them off, ya know that sort of thing.
Okay well it worked once, now same problem again even after I empty out everything: cookies, history, the works. Lame *** board system.
What's that about them wanting us to use their boards?

Yeah right.
well...i think these new boards are just experiencing bugs. because my log in wasnt working at all, even if i applied for a password change. i was forced to make a new one but eventually my original log in started working and lately has been working with no apparent issues.
idk though.
i think it should work eventually.
*shrug* I hope they get their bugs worked out soon. Until they do it's just going to cause a lot of frustration for everyone using them who gets hit with them.

Given the (insert breaking of Godwin's law here) moderatorship that goes on there, I'm still not inclined to want to use their boards as anything but a touch point for alliance matters. If I could, that is. :roll:
Eh, I can't log in at all, keeps saying my password is incorrect. But I know it's right. And then I do the "I forgot my password" thing; yeah, no auto response or anything.

That board is broke. :(