national cabin planning


Wisconsin Staff
OK so dave, Did you have any luck figuring out cabins?

We need to get this figured out,

forgive me if i miss anyone,
Jessie- Marcena
Dave-Barrister (or Bunny lol i vote barrister)
Seamus - Tarqaq
Nathan Klisch
Dawson Davis
Adam Rosenfeld
Andrea- orka

we need to get a list around to reserve a national event cabin. Please add on to list if you are for a for sure on going and wouldn't mind rooming with people that i've listed above.

If you are new please don't be shy, we are enjoy meeting new players or we wouldn't be playing. just add your name on here and we'll divide it up if we get to many. That's the only sane way i can think of doing this.

I would like to reseerve a cabin by the end of the weekend so please spread the word of "THE LIST"!!!
I also have

Myself - Dave Glaeser
Adam Rosenfeld
Dawson Davis
and Nathan Klisch (little john) confirmed so far
Andrea- Gorka

maybe, I've been invited to stay with orcs but they haven't been planing much yet. I was disappointed they didn't want to do tenting.
These are the cabins listed as 'reservable' on the National forum.
At our most recent count we had 13, but to reserve we will need everyone to confirm that they do want to be on this list (in this cabin we are reserving) and all of us have to pre-reg for National. Priority is given to people who pre-pay, if there are conflicts.

Jamboree – 18 Spaces Available – centrally located
Duryee – 12 Spaces Available – immediately adjacent to the Tavern
Troop 5 – 12 Spaces Available – very remote and down a steep path, isolated no road access
Belcher (Top) – 10 Spaces Available – accessed via a suspended bridge (partially under construction)
Belcher (Lower) – 10 Spaces Available – centrally located (partially under construction)

So please respond with:
"Yes, I want to be one this list" or "No, I have other cabin arrangements"

if yes, please also answer:
A. I am pre-registered for national (or not)
B. I prefer to be near the tavern or isolated (in case we reserve Duryee or Troop 5)
C. I prefer to be on top or bottom (in case we reserve a floor in the Belcher building)

Katie (Kyrie)
just finished my nationals pre-reg so i am a definite yes... -dawson
A: not yet but will tonight
B: no idea
C: no idea
curious as to what happen'd with this if anything?
I managed to get a cabin reserved. It only hold 10 but i can try to switch it to one with 12 if we get more.
This is who i currently have in it plus one more i need to add.

Ryan Zabawa
Carrie Smurr
Katie Fountaine
Seamus Costello
Adam Rosenfield
Dawson Davis Jr
David Glaeser
Nathan Klisch
Heather Marvin
Chris Matta is the one that should be added I think
do these cabins have bunks or cots? or should I bring my air mattress? -dawson
Yeah thats who's gonna be added.

I'm not exactly sure about what kind of beds they are. I'm trying to figure it out and how much floor space there is.