NATIONAL EVENT August 29 weekend

was anyone planning on attending this? mike and i don't really want to go unless there are familiar faces in the crowd
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
was anyone planning on attending this? mike and i don't really want to go unless there are familiar faces in the crowd

Isn't a national event about meeting new people? Be adventurous!

<=== is a newbie pansy....

me going to deadlands is adventurous enough for me....I shy!!!!!!!!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
<=== is a newbie pansy....

me going to deadlands is adventurous enough for me....I shy!!!!!!!!

Shy people do not have 149 posts.

At least some of the people that travel to NH will be at the National Event.

The National Event is in September, you'll have some NH events under your belt and be ready for more by then.
i'm slightly addicted to the word association game..and the new word association game... heheheh
I'll be going, but only to NPC. Come NPC with us.

yeah now i'm thinking NPC if we go because in all honesty that trip will be expensive enough so NPCing is the cheap way to have fun! yay. now we just have to convince ben and stephanie and stuff :::rubs her hands together in a villainous plotful way::
what have you gotten us into my dear. ;) NPCing at a national event :shock: well i hope i get to play a crazy person with a stuffed cat agian lol!!! Like being the town looney or just being your husband hehe!!!!!!!:feels a swat on the back of the head: