National Event Housekeeper - Please Read


Also Spread this message to those who may have come that might not frequent the boards!

Teacher Cards - We got 2 Total Teacher cards actually turned in, we are aware already of at least a dozen teachings that went on, PLEASE if you Learned, or taught anything e-mail so we can properly update your home chapter.

Acidic Skin - It has come to our attention that some players broke their rendered weapons when they encountered acidic skin during the event. Acidic Skin functions only as a shatter effect at the end of combat, so if you destroyed a rendered weapon of any type, please again e-mail We did not receive any tags destroyed in this manner but have heard from a number of sources this occured.

Third - Monster Camp was informed of a small number of MI reps found on the field etc. If you have one of these items, please send the dremeled/labeled information to so we can contact the issuing chapter and get your the proper tag.
So for Acidic Skin, we're to email you if our rendered weapon broke via Acidic Skin to get a new tag, or to report the MI as officially broken? I only ask because if a weapon is rendered, it's unbreakable, and thus, not affected by the Acidic Skin ability per the rules.
I am assuming he meant Strengthened, or I believe their was an ability in play for the low level characters that allowed their weapons to be rendered for just the encounter...don't quote me on that however.
To clarify, you only need to contact us if you destroyed a rendered item IN ERROR through misunderstanding of the acidic skin rule. because of the below concern.

Acidic Skin - It has come to our attention that some players broke their rendered weapons when they encountered acidic skin during the event.
Ah, that makes mucho more sense. I was right there with ya Ryan! Thanks for clearing that up Dave!