Need Information on the Mist Lion

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
My good people,

A few years ago, before my time in Hope's Reach, there was a gathering of adventurers in Birch, Roskaria, where the Mist Wall contorted and began to allow Mist Walkers through into the Sheltered Lands. There was a great lion of the mists present at that market day, from what I have learned, and I need to speak to anyone who saw what happened to this creature. Was the charge not led by a Sergeant Garren? If he hears this message, I especially wish to hear back from him.

If you were present at this gathering, please contact me as soon as possible. Such information may be important to me and, eventually, beneficial to the area as a whole.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
The Order of Shadow's Light